Ankle Malunions

Jul 26, 2016 by in MUSCULOSKELETAL MEDICINE Comments Off on Ankle Malunions

Ankle Malunions Bradley M. Lamm John E. Herzenberg Ankle deformities are congenital, dysplastic, developmental, or traumatic in origin. Patients with ankle deformities have isolated or combined osseous malalignment and soft…

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Ankle Fractures

Jul 26, 2016 by in MUSCULOSKELETAL MEDICINE Comments Off on Ankle Fractures

Ankle Fractures Lawrence M. Fallat Thomas J. Merrill Zeeshan S. Husain Kittra T. Owens ANATOMY The ankle joint is simply not a hinged joint that gives uniplanar motion, but the…

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Talar Avascular Necrosis

Jul 26, 2016 by in MUSCULOSKELETAL MEDICINE Comments Off on Talar Avascular Necrosis

Talar Avascular Necrosis Christopher F. Hyer William T. DeCarbo Avascular necrosis (AVN) or osteonecrosis is defined as a disease resulting from temporary or permanent loss of the blood supply to…

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Talar Fractures

Jul 26, 2016 by in MUSCULOSKELETAL MEDICINE Comments Off on Talar Fractures

Talar Fractures John M. Schuberth Shannon M. Rush Meagan M. Jennings Although talar fractures are not particularly common, disruption of the integrity of this bone can be debilitating because of…

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Supramalleolar Osteotomy

Jul 26, 2016 by in MUSCULOSKELETAL MEDICINE Comments Off on Supramalleolar Osteotomy

Supramalleolar Osteotomy Shannon M. Rush John M. Schuberth Realignment osteotomy of the distal tibia is a valuable surgical procedure for the treatment of distal tibial malalignment resulting from posttraumatic malunion,…

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Lisfranc Injuries

Jul 26, 2016 by in MUSCULOSKELETAL MEDICINE Comments Off on Lisfranc Injuries

Lisfranc Injuries George F. Wallace Lisfranc injuries are relatively uncommon, yet missed upward of 20% of the time (1). The incidence has been reported to be 1 per 55,000 and…

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Calcaneal Fractures

Jul 26, 2016 by in MUSCULOSKELETAL MEDICINE Comments Off on Calcaneal Fractures

Calcaneal Fractures Meagan M. Jennings John M. Schuberth Calcaneal fractures account for about 2% of fractures and 60% of major tarsal injuries (1). Falls from a height account for 75%…

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Fibular Lengthening

Jul 26, 2016 by in MUSCULOSKELETAL MEDICINE Comments Off on Fibular Lengthening

Fibular Lengthening Byron L. Hutchinson Major advances in the understanding and treatment of the ankle during the past 30 years have improved prognosis after ankle fracture (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 and 15). Prior…

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