Wheelchair mobility for disabled children and adults

Jul 12, 2016 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Wheelchair mobility for disabled children and adults

Chapter 43 Wheelchair mobility for disabled children and adults Susan Johnson Taylor Key Points • Assess mobility and cognition of patient. Incorporate prognosis of condition to ensure flexibility of equipment…

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Orthoses for cerebral palsy

Jul 12, 2016 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Orthoses for cerebral palsy

Chapter 38 Orthoses for cerebral palsy Tom F. Novacheck Key Points • Proper lever arm alignment promotes function. • Optimal care of individuals with cerebral palsy is achieved using a…

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Biomechanics of the hip, knee, and ankle

Jul 12, 2016 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Biomechanics of the hip, knee, and ankle

Chapter 22 Biomechanics of the hip, knee, and ankle Barry Meadows, Robert James Bowers, Elaine Owen When considering orthotic treatment of the lower limbs, an understanding of the biomechanical principles…

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Lower limb orthoses

Jul 12, 2016 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Lower limb orthoses

Chapter 26 Lower limb orthoses John W. Michael Key Points • Lower limb orthoses are among the most commonly prescribed biomechanical devices intended to assist individuals with neuromuscular deficits. •…

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Cranial remolding orthoses

Jul 12, 2016 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Cranial remolding orthoses

Chapter 40 Cranial remolding orthoses Deanna J. Fish, Dulcey Lima Key Points • Infant skull deformities can be the result of intrinsic changes as in craniosynostosis or extrinsic factors such…

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Assistive devices for recreation

Jul 12, 2016 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Assistive devices for recreation

Chapter 47 Assistive devices for recreation Samuel Andrews, Joseph Gomez, Carol Huserik, Jill Stelley Virden Key Points • Recreation and leisure planning can help a person through the adjustment period…

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Orthoses for brachial plexus injuries

Jul 12, 2016 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Orthoses for brachial plexus injuries

Chapter 18 Orthoses for brachial plexus injuries Keith A. Bengtson, Alexander Y. Shin Key Points • Many brachial plexus injuries are surgically treatable. • The ideal time for surgical reconstruction…

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