Movement Disorders

Jun 19, 2016 by in PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION Comments Off on Movement Disorders

Movement Disorders Definition – A group of CNS degenerative diseases associated with involuntary movements or abnormalities of skeletal muscle tone and posture. They can be broadly classified as hypokinetic (too…

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Electrodiagnostic Studies

Jun 19, 2016 by in PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION Comments Off on Electrodiagnostic Studies

Electrodiagnostic Studies Electrodiagnostic studies (also known as NCS/EMG or sometimes just EMG) include nerve conduction studies (NCSs or NCVs) and EMG. Other less commonly performed electrodiagnostic tests include somatosensory evoked…

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Multiple Sclerosis

Jun 19, 2016 by in PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION Comments Off on Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis Introduction and Epidemiology1 – MS is a CNS inflammatory disease of unknown etiology (thought to be autoimmune) that is characterized by areas of demyelination that are disseminated in…

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Burn Rehabilitation

Jun 19, 2016 by in PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION Comments Off on Burn Rehabilitation

Burn Rehabilitation Secondary to external agents (heat, cold, chemicals, electricity, and radiation) #1 cause of accidental deaths in children under 2 years1 Leads to hypermetabolic state DEPTH/DEGREE Superficial thickness (first…

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Hip Joint Orthopaedic Tests

Jun 19, 2016 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Hip Joint Orthopaedic Tests

Hip Joint Orthopaedic Tests Palpation Iliac Crest and Anterior, Superior, and Inferior Iliac Spine Descriptive Anatomy The iliac crest is at the inferior margin of the flank from the anterior;…

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Cardiac Rehabilitation

Jun 19, 2016 by in PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION Comments Off on Cardiac Rehabilitation

Cardiac Rehabilitation INTRODUCTION Under the broadened scope of the recent AHRQ guidelines, CR may include exercise programs, education and risk factor modification for secondary prevention, and psychosocial counseling.1 CR is…

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