Clinical Gait Assessment
Chapter objectives • Define gait and describe its various phases. • Discuss the various joint angular kinematics and muscle activation requirements in the various phases of gait. • Explain the…
Chapter objectives • Define gait and describe its various phases. • Discuss the various joint angular kinematics and muscle activation requirements in the various phases of gait. • Explain the…
Kevin E. Wilk, PT, DPT External Rotation at 0° Abduction . Sit on a stability ball with the elbow at the side fixed at 90° and the involved arm across the…
Chapter objectives • Define proprioception, kinesthesia, and other related aspects by using terminology consistent with the expanded classic definitions contained in this chapter. • Identify the different types and functions…
Chapter objectives • Explain the fundamental basis of plyometric training, its origins, and its applications. • Describe the mechanical and neuromuscular physiologic processes involved in the stretch-shortening cycle and how…
Chapter objectives • Define the terminology used with isokinetics. • Apply general guidelines regarding the application of isokinetic testing. • Explain the specific applications of isokinetic assessment of muscular power…
Chapter objectives • Describe the bony anatomy, ligamentous structures, and surrounding musculature of the temporomandibular joint, including their functions. • Understand the arthrokinematics and biomechanics of the temporomandibular joint that…
Chapter Objectives • Explain the need for classification methods designed to direct the treatment of patients with low back pain. • Recognize red flags indicating the potential for a serious…
Chapter objectives • Define and discuss the importance of proprioception in the neuromuscular control process. • Define and discuss the different levels of motor control by the central nervous system…
Kevin E. Wilk, PT, DPT The Throwers’ Ten Exercise Program * * Modifed from Wilk, K.E., Andrews, J.R., Arrigo, C.A., et al. (2001): Preventative and Rehabilitation Exercises for the Shoulder and…
Kevin E. Wilk, PT, DPT * From Wilk, K.E., Andrews, J.R., Arrigo, C.A., et al. (2001): Preventive and Rehabilitative Exercises for the Shoulder and Elbow, 5th ed. Birmingham, AL, American Sports…