Digestive Organs
Digestive Organs Gastric Catarrh (Gastritis) Functional disorders of the epigastrium like dyspepsia and stomach spasms are very common. In addition, chronic inflammatory changes in the mucous membranes of the stomach…
Digestive Organs Gastric Catarrh (Gastritis) Functional disorders of the epigastrium like dyspepsia and stomach spasms are very common. In addition, chronic inflammatory changes in the mucous membranes of the stomach…
Reproductive Organs Female Reproductive Organs Menstrual Disorders, Inflammations of the Reproductive Organs All healthy women menstruate during their fertile years. The time between the first and last menstrual period spans…
Respiratory Tracts Bronchial Asthma Bronchial asthma has different causes. It can arise following influenza or pneumonia or in chronic disease of the throat and nose. In addition to chronic catarrhs…
Wet Cupping Like bloodletting, wet cupping is a type of blood-extracting therapy. It works not only by extracting blood, but also by dissipating and regulating. The regulating effect is caused…
Disorders of the Head Headache Headache is undoubtedly the most common pain disorder that the therapist encounters in CAM practice. The causes of headache are manifold and occur not only…
Locomotor System Rheumatic Disorders “Rheumatism” is a collective term for diseases that affect particularly the joints and ligaments of the limbs, the spinal column, tendons, connective tissue, and muscle, but…
The Therapeutic Conception of Dry Cupping Dry Cupping as Segmental Therapy Nature heals from the inside, with the assistance of external remedies. Thomas Aquinas Treatment at the site of the…
Nervous System Inflammation of the Nerves (Neuritis), Neuralgia (Ischialgia) Neuritis refers to inflammations and damage of a nerve. Its cause can be found in infectious, toxic, and mechanical vascular disorders,…
Dry Cupping Cupping Diagnostics Fundamentals Before the therapy, the gods have placed the diagnosis… But any diagnosisremains idle talk, as long as it does not help therapeutically. Volhard The human…
Urinary Tracts Inflammation of the Kidneys(Nephritis, Acute and Chronic) Acute inflammation of the kidneys in most cases arises suddenly after infectious diseases like angina or scarlet fever, as a complication…