Normal and Pathological Spinal Muscle

Apr 25, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Normal and Pathological Spinal Muscle

Fig. 1 The four cervical muscle groups [1] Deep Muscles The deep muscles are pure intrinsic muscles. Longus Colli Longus colli is an anterior intrinsic muscle of the lower cervical…

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of the Spinal Meninges

Apr 25, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on of the Spinal Meninges

Fig. 1 Embryo at 27 days post-conception , stage 12, transverse section, hematoxylin and eosin staining. The neural tube is surrounded by a mesenchyme without meningeal differentiation. Courtesy of Pr P….

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Spinal Ligaments

Apr 25, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Spinal Ligaments

Fig. 1 The 3 spinal columns in traumatology according to Denis [1]: (a) Anterior column, (b) Medium column (with posterior annulus), (c) Posterior column Certain ligaments have a protective function…

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Anatomy of the Axial Skeleton of Vertebrates

Apr 25, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Anatomy of the Axial Skeleton of Vertebrates

Fig. 1 The body of the vertebrates is characterized by the existence of an anteroposterior corporeal axis and a cephalocaudal bipolarization. Head and neck complex—support of the CNS and sensory…

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Cranial Vertebra

Apr 25, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Cranial Vertebra

Fig. 1 Occipital angle of Broca ; horizontalization of the foramen magnum in the skull Fig. 2 Orbito-occipital angle in humans: 10°; monkeys: 30–69°, carnivorous: 63–90° Fig. 3 The lateral…

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Tissues of the Posterior Aspect of the Trunk

Apr 25, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Tissues of the Posterior Aspect of the Trunk

Fig. 1 Once the epidermis removed (SKIN), the superficial adipose tissue (SAT) and deep adipose tissue (DAT) appear, separated by the fascia superficialis (FS) Numerous authors describe it as comprising…

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Apr 25, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Vascularization

Fig. 1 Week 7, the branches of the dorsal aorta are evident in the thoracic region. (1) Visceral ventral segmental branch, (2) visceral lateral segmental branch, (3) intersegmental dorso-lateral branch,…

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