Treatment of Concomitant Pathology During ACL Reconstruction
Fig. 17.1 Sagittal view of a knee T2 weighted MRI image depicts a concomitant posterior horn lateral meniscus tear (red arrow) in a pediatric patient with a combined ACL/MCL injury….
Fig. 17.1 Sagittal view of a knee T2 weighted MRI image depicts a concomitant posterior horn lateral meniscus tear (red arrow) in a pediatric patient with a combined ACL/MCL injury….
Fig. 9.1 Reprint of “Figure 1: Role of AM and PL bundles during knee flexion” from B. Sonnery-Cottet, P. Colombet. Partial tears of the anterior cruciate ligament. Orthopaedics & Traumatology:…
Fig. 5.1 Left hand and wrist bone age of a 12-year-old female athlete who has had menstrual periods for 15 months demonstrating an advanced skeletal age of 13 Tanner and…
Fig. 10.1 Proposed conservative treatment algorithm for anterior cruciate ligament injury in skeletally immature individuals (Adapted from Management of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in skeletally immature individuals. J Orthop Sports…
Fig. 16.1 Dimeglio growth remaining charts for boys (a) and girls (b). Authors preferred ACL reconstruction technique (c) is based on these growth remaining charts Patients with less than 1…
Reference Age (years) Gender Mechanism Diagnosis Other injuries, comments Treatment Follow-up Robinson and Driscoll [2] 13 M Motorbike Notch X-ray Tibial avulsion Fx, MCL tear ORIF, sutures 12 m Eady…
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018Shital N. Parikh (ed.)The Pediatric Anterior Cruciate Ligament 2. History of Ligament Injuries in Children Shital N. Parikh1 (1) Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, USA Shital N. Parikh Email:…
Fig. 4.1 Rate of anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions per 100,000 people stratified by age group in the pediatric population (aged 3–20 years) in New York State, 1990–2009. Shaded areas indicate…
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018Shital N. Parikh (ed.)The Pediatric Anterior Cruciate Ligament 6. Clinical Evaluation of ACL Tear Julien T. Aoyama1, Jermonte Lowe1, Anthony C. Capraro1 and Lawrence Wells1 (1) Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA …
(1) VA Portland Health Care System, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon, USA 3.1 Identification of Th17 Cells The increased IL-17A production by CD4+ T cells from T…