The Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Fig. 8.1 Dynamic MRI scan acquired at the level of the arm during flexion/extension The dynamic investigation arises as very useful during ongoing muscle injuries with large hematomas, which at…
Fig. 8.1 Dynamic MRI scan acquired at the level of the arm during flexion/extension The dynamic investigation arises as very useful during ongoing muscle injuries with large hematomas, which at…
Fig. 23.1 Classification of jersey fingers Type 1 – 5 (copyright Dr. Margaret Fok) Patient with jersey finger usually presents with a stiff and swollen finger with a classic description…
Fig. 33.1 Lateral radiograph demonstrating cavus foot and prominent Haglund’s lesion on posterior calcaneal tuberosity Fig. 33.2 Radiograph demonstrating calcaneal enthesophyte with intrasubstance calcifications Fig. 33.3 Axial radiograph of the…
Fig. 6.1 (a) Axial image acquired at the level of the thigh with a T1-weighted (morphological) sequence showing a large haematoma due to complete ischiocrural muscle rupture. (b) Image acquired…
Fig. 34.1 (a) Surface anatomy with blue arrow representing hypovascular zone along with posterior tibial tendon course, (asterisk) navicular bone, and (double asterisk) medial malleolus. (b) MRI axial view with…
Fig. 37.1 (Courtesy Pau Golano) Transverse section at the level of the tibiofibular syndesmosis showing important structures susceptible to injury during ankle arthroscopy. 1 Lateral malleolus; 2 tibia; 3 anterior…
Fig. 19.1 T2-weighted MRI axial (a) and coronal oblique view (b) showing an anterosuperior rotator cuff tear. On axial view the tear of subscapularis and, on the coronal oblique view,…
Fig. 26.1 (a, b) Isolated tear of the semimembranosus tendon at right. (a) On an axial MR image, the tendon is absent (arrow) at the level of the ischial tuberosity…
Fig. 2.1 Tendon hierarchical structure. Collagen molecules are assembled into progressively larger bundles, until the level of the tendon itself is reached. Reproduced with permission from Reuther KE, Gray CF,…
Fig. 22.1 The bicipitoradial bursa is highlighted between the distal biceps tendon and the radius (proximal, left; distal, right) (Permission granted from (Eames and Bain 2006)) The distal biceps tendon…