Deep Venous Thrombosis

Jun 19, 2016 by in PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION Comments Off on Deep Venous Thrombosis

Deep Venous Thrombosis SELECTED PROPHYLAXIS OPTIONS Low-Dose Unfractìonated Heparin (LDUH) – LDUH binds with antithrom-bin III to inhibit factor Ha (thrombin) and factor Xa (intrinsic clotting pathway). Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin (LMWH)…

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Jun 19, 2016 by in PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION Comments Off on Spasticity

Spasticity Spasticity is a disorder characterized by a velocity-dependent increased resistance to passive stretch, associated with exaggerated tendon jerks, resulting from hyperexcitability of the stretch reflex. Spasticity is part of…

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Knee Orthopaedic Tests

Jun 19, 2016 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Knee Orthopaedic Tests

Knee Orthopaedic Tests Palpation Anterior Aspect Patella, Quadriceps Femoris Tendon, and Patella Ligament Descriptive Anatomy The suprapatellar tendon anchors the patella to the anterior aspect of the knee superiorly. This…

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Neurogenic Bladder

Jun 19, 2016 by in PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION Comments Off on Neurogenic Bladder

Neurogenic Bladder Neurophysiology – Bladder distention activates detrusor stretch (δ) receptors, which in turn activate the sacral micturition center at S2-4. During bladder filling, the intact cerebral cortex inhibits the…

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Jun 19, 2016 by in PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION Comments Off on Stroke

Stroke EPIDEMIOLOGY AND RISK FACTORS A stroke is defined by the WHO as the rapid development of clinical signs of cerebral dysfunction, with signs lasting at least 24 hours or…

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Lumbar Orthopaedic Tests

Jun 19, 2016 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Lumbar Orthopaedic Tests

Lumbar Orthopaedic Tests Palpation Spinous Processes Descriptive Anatomy The five lumbar spinous processes are large and easily palpable with the spinal column in the flexed position (Fig. 10-1). The fifth…

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