Injuries in Contact Athletes

Mar 29, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Injuries in Contact Athletes

Fig. 3.1 Common mechanisms of shoulder injury in rugby (courtesy of Lennard Funk, http://​www.​shoulderdoc.​co.​uk) 3.3 Clinical Evaluation 3.3.1 History/Presentations A thorough investigation of relevant history and physical examination are essential…

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Cuff Disorders in Athletes

Mar 29, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Cuff Disorders in Athletes

Fig. 5.1 The six phases of the throwing motion. Phase 1 is the wind-up phase. Phase 2 is the early cocking phase, ending with planting of the striding foot. Phase…

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Bone Loss in Athletes

Mar 29, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Bone Loss in Athletes

Fig. 7.1 (a) A large humeral head defect (Hill–Sachs lesion) is shown (G glenoid, H humeral defect). (b) A significant glenoid defect that resembles an “inverted-pear” glenoid is shown (G…

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