Complementary and alternative therapies: beyond traditional approaches to intervention in neurological diseases and movement disorders

Jun 22, 2016 by in PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION Comments Off on Complementary and alternative therapies: beyond traditional approaches to intervention in neurological diseases and movement disorders

CHAPTER 39 Complementary and alternative therapies: beyond traditional approaches to intervention in neurological diseases and movement disorders DARCY A. UMPHRED, PT, PhD, FAPTA, CAROL M. DAVIS, DPT, EdD, MS, FAPTA…

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Multiple sclerosis

Jun 22, 2016 by in PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION Comments Off on Multiple sclerosis

CHAPTER 19 Multiple sclerosis GAIL L. WIDENER, PT, PhD Objectives After reading this chapter the student or therapist will be able to: 1. Describe the pathological processes, prevalence, and clinical presentation…

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Psychosocial aspects of adaptation and adjustment during various phases of neurological disability

Jun 22, 2016 by in PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION Comments Off on Psychosocial aspects of adaptation and adjustment during various phases of neurological disability

CHAPTER 6 Psychosocial aspects of adaptation and adjustment during various phases of neurological disability ROCHELLE McLAUGHLIN, MS, OTR/L, MBSR and GORDON U. BURTON, PhD, OTR/L Objectives After reading this chapter…

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