Role of Spinal Surgery in Pain Management

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© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016Steven M. Falowski and Jason E. Pope (eds.)Integrating Pain Treatment into Your Spine Practice10.1007/978-3-319-27796-7_2 2. Role of Spinal Surgery in Pain Management George M. Ghobrial1  , Alexander Vaccaro2 and James S. Harrop3   (1) Department of Neurological…

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Intrathecal Therapy for Chronic Spine Pain

Aug 2, 2017 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Intrathecal Therapy for Chronic Spine Pain

  Starting dose Maximum daily dose Maximum concentration () Morphine 0.1–0.5 mg/day 15 mg 20 mg/mL Hydromorphone 0.02–0.5 mg/day 10 mg 15 mg/mL Fentanyl 25–75 mcg/day No known upper limit…

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Integration of Specialties

Aug 2, 2017 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Integration of Specialties

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016Steven M. Falowski and Jason E. Pope (eds.)Integrating Pain Treatment into Your Spine Practice10.1007/978-3-319-27796-7_9 9. Integration of Specialties Steven M. Falowski1   (1) Neurosurgery, St. Luke’s University Health Network, 701 Ostrum St, Suite…

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Failed Back Surgery Syndrome

Aug 2, 2017 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Failed Back Surgery Syndrome

Fig. 3.1 Major contributing factors of failed back surgery syndrome Patient Selection and Preoperative Factors Patient selection for the original spine surgery is of the utmost importance in preventing FBSS….

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Practice Setup

Aug 2, 2017 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Practice Setup

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016Steven M. Falowski and Jason E. Pope (eds.)Integrating Pain Treatment into Your Spine Practice10.1007/978-3-319-27796-7_7 7. Practice Setup Steven M. Falowski1   (1) Neurosurgery, St. Luke’s University Health Network, 701 Ostrum St, Suite 302,…

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Identification of the Pain Patient

Aug 2, 2017 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Identification of the Pain Patient

Pain Numeric Pain Rating Scale (NPRS) Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) Pain Disability Index (PDI) McGill Pain Questionnaire Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Physical function Owestry Disability Index (ODI) Roland Morris Disability…

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Considerations for Neuromodulation

Aug 2, 2017 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Considerations for Neuromodulation

Medication Recommendation Non-aspirin NSAIDs (excluding celecoxib) Discontinue 5 half-lives prior to procedure. Restart 2 h after procedure ASA, ASA combinations for primary prophylaxis Discontinue 6 days prior to procedure. Restart…

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