The History of Extremity Replantation
Fig. 1.1 World’s first digital replant. Tamai 1965 (Used with permission from Kamatsu and Tamai [1]) Despite this, the history of reattachment of parts has a strong religious association, and…
Fig. 1.1 World’s first digital replant. Tamai 1965 (Used with permission from Kamatsu and Tamai [1]) Despite this, the history of reattachment of parts has a strong religious association, and…
Fig. 9.1 (a–f) Total great-toe transfer to an unreplantable thumb amputation at proximal phalanx. (a) Coverage reconstruction of the amputation stump of the thumb with a pedicle groin flap before…
Fig. 8.1 An example of tagging pertinent structures in a thumb replant. Here, silver/gold clamps are utilized to mark arteries and black clamps to mark dorsal veins. A stitch is…
Fig. 10.1 Immediate opponensplasty with flexor digitorum superficialis from the amputated finger. Left: crush injury of right hand, resulted in incomplete amputation of right thumb, index, long, and ring fingers…
Fig. 7.1 (a) This transhumeral amputation with an associated elbow dislocation occurred as a result of an 11-year-old girl getting her sleeve caught in a manure spreader. (b, c) Despite…