Medial-Sided Elbow Pain

Oct 16, 2016 by in SPORT MEDICINE Comments Off on Medial-Sided Elbow Pain

Fig. 5.1 Abduction stress testing of the UCL. This is performed with stabilization of the humerus and applying a valgus-directed force to the elbow. The elbow flexed to 20–30°, and…

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Olecranon Elbow Pain in Sportsmen

Oct 16, 2016 by in SPORT MEDICINE Comments Off on Olecranon Elbow Pain in Sportsmen

Image 8.1 MRI sagittal T2 view of a complete triceps tendon lesion 8.3.7 Triceps Snapping The clinical study of the triceps snapping is usually performed with the patient’s elbow on…

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