Distal Radius Malunion

May 22, 2017 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Distal Radius Malunion

Fig. 7.1 The different patterns of carpal response to dorsal tilt. Both patients are young and have a similar degree of deformity. In (a) the carpus has subluxed as a…

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Chronic Distal Radio-ulna Instability

May 22, 2017 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Chronic Distal Radio-ulna Instability

Fig. 11.1 Anatomy of distal radius and ulna (A) Radial styloid (B) Listers tubercule (C) Groove for extensor pollicis longus (D) Dorsal rim of radius (E) Attachment of Dorsal Radio-Ulna…

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Tendon Transfers

May 22, 2017 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Tendon Transfers

1. Supple joints before transfer. 2. Tissue equilibrium 3. Adequate strength (donor) 4. Adequate excursion (donor) 5. Expendable donor 6. Straight line of pull 7. Synergism 8. One tendon –…

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Ulnar Tunnel Syndrome

May 22, 2017 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Ulnar Tunnel Syndrome

  Dorsal sensation intact Dorsal sensation diminished Level of compression Proximal or distal to wrist Proximal to wrist Motor symptoms are consistent with intrinsic muscle weakness. Patients may complain of…

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Nerve Reconstruction

May 22, 2017 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Nerve Reconstruction

Fig. 1.1 Preoperative brachial plexus chart The British Medical Research Council grading scale is used by most physicians. This system has been further modified by Terzis [13] with intermediate grades…

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Compressive Neuropathies of the Radial Nerve

May 22, 2017 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Compressive Neuropathies of the Radial Nerve

Fig. 16.1 Common PIN compression sites (“Copyright [2011] Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research”) The Arcade of Frohse, which is the proximal margin of the supinator muscle, forms an…

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Scaphoid Non Union

May 22, 2017 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Scaphoid Non Union

Fig. 6.1 (a) Humpack deformity of scaphoid non-union. (b) Nonunion of the proximal pole with preserved shape and length With respect to the morphology, in his original classification published in…

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Malunion/Nonunion of the Digits

May 22, 2017 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Malunion/Nonunion of the Digits

Fig. 5.1 (a) Crush injury with TM dislocation, and fractures of the fourth and fifth metacarpals. Initial treatment with percutaneous K-wires, performed at an outside Hospital before transfer to our…

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Chronic Carpal Instability

May 22, 2017 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Chronic Carpal Instability

Fig. 10.1 If the SL ligaments are normal, closing the fist should not cause separation of the scaphoid and lunate bones. As compared to the contralateral side, any asymmetrical SL…

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