Flexibility Exercises
Chapter 13 Flexibility Exercises 13.1 Passive Range of Motion OVERVIEW. PROM is motion produced by an external force, without voluntary contraction, and within an unrestricted portion of a joint.1 One…
Chapter 13 Flexibility Exercises 13.1 Passive Range of Motion OVERVIEW. PROM is motion produced by an external force, without voluntary contraction, and within an unrestricted portion of a joint.1 One…
Chapter 52 Acupuncture OVERVIEW. Acupuncture, a traditional form of Chinese medicine, involves the insertion of fine needles through the skin and into strategic body points along meridians, for a desired…
Chapter 65 Positioning OVERVIEW. Positioning is the act of placing or arranging.1 In physical rehabilitation, it pertains to the adequate arrangement of patients for a treatment (e.g., postural drainage; pressure…
Chapter 14 Gait and Locomotion Training OVERVIEW. Gait training is a technique of teaching walking skills. Deficient patterns are corrected by attending to muscle imbalances and the biomechanical components of…
Chapter 12 Balance and Coordination 12.1 Balance Exercises Balance exercises or training involves activities aimed at reducing instability/falls by improving patients’ ability to maintain their center of gravity within their…
Chapter 25 Joint Mobilization (Articulation, Nonthrust Technique; Nonimpulse Technique) OVERVIEW. Joint mobilization (also called articulation, non-thrust) is a manual technique directed to the patient’s joint whereby the clinician imparts passive…
Chapter 32 Prosthetics OVERVIEW. A prosthesis is an artificial mechanical or electrical body part used to replace a missing one; the word literally means “placed instead.”1 SUMMARY: CONTRAINDICATIONS AND PRECAUTIONS….
Chapter 20 Older Drivers with Acute or Chronic Medical Conditions (Includes Noncommercial Motor Vehicles, Excludes Commercial Drivers) The primary guideline for assessing and counseling older drivers is set forth by…