Light Agents
Chapter 45 Light Agents 45.1 Cold LASER OVERVIEW. Laser stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. Cold (low power) lasers use less than 60 mW of power and…
Chapter 45 Light Agents 45.1 Cold LASER OVERVIEW. Laser stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. Cold (low power) lasers use less than 60 mW of power and…
Chapter 26 Spinal Manipulation OVERVIEW. Spinal manipulation (also called thrust, chiropractic adjustment) involves passive mechanical movement directed at a specific spinal joint or joint segment in order to restore movement…
Chapter 47 Thermotherapy (Includes Hot Packs, Paraffin Wax, Infrared Lamps) OVERVIEW. Thermotherapy comprises a number of physical agents that use superficial heat to increase soft tissue extensibility, reduce pain, improve…
Chapter 37 Postural Drainage (Bronchial Drainage) OVERVIEW. Postural drainage is the therapeutic use of positioning to drain the tracheobronchial tree so that secretions can then be eliminated either through coughing…
Chapter 42 Cryotherapy (Cold Therapy) OVERVIEW. Cryotherapy involves the application of cold substances for the purposes of reducing blood flow and tissue metabolism and increase pain thresholds. Agents include cold…
Chapter 30 Exercise Equipment This section includes advice/concerns for therapeutic or exercise equipment commonly found in the gym of a physical rehabilitation facility and include finger ladders, free and machine…
Chapter 17 Activities of Daily Living (Basic) In the following sections, bed activities, transfer, feeding (aspiration), carrying, and lifting concerns will be listed. These concerns are activity (dynamic) related. (For…
Chapter 23 Therapeutic Massage (Includes Western Techniques, Swedish, Classic; Excludes Eastern Technique, Shiatsu) OVERVIEW. Therapeutic massage (also called Western, Swedish, or classic) is a “hands-on,” rhythmical application of pressure and…
Chapter 46 Sound Agents 46.1 Therapeutic Ultrasound OVERVIEW. Therapeutic ultrasound is a physical agent that emits high frequency oscillations or sound waves (0.7 to 3.3 MHz frequency range) that penetrates…
Chapter 34 Supportive Devices 34.1 Elastic Supports (Compression Supports) OVERVIEW. An elastic support is an article of clothing that offers some degree of compression around a body part in order…