Herbs that regulate the Blood

Jul 22, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Herbs that regulate the Blood

Chapter Eleven. Herbs that regulate the Blood 1. What are the causes of Blood stagnation? What are the indications for herbs that promote the Blood circulation? Herbs that promote the…

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Herbs that release the Exterior

Jul 22, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Herbs that release the Exterior

Chapter Two. Herbs that release the Exterior 1. What is Exterior syndrome? How should one treat Exterior syndrome? What are the characteristics of the herbs that release the Exterior? The…

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Herbs that expel Wind-Dampness

Jul 22, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Herbs that expel Wind-Dampness

Chapter Five. Herbs that expel Wind-Dampness 1. What are the indications for herbs that expel Wind-Dampness? Herbs that expel Wind-Dampness are used for treating Bi syndrome. ‘ Bi’ means ‘obstruction’….

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Herbs that transform Dampness

Jul 22, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Herbs that transform Dampness

Chapter Six. Herbs that transform Dampness 1. What are the indications for herbs that transform and drain Dampness? What are the characteristics of the syndrome of Dampness accumulation? Herbs that…

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