Back pain in the elderly

Dec 26, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Back pain in the elderly

Chapter 31 Back pain in the elderly Case 31.1 History Larry is a 71-year-old male, in seemingly good physical condition, but with longstanding low back pain with diffuse radiation to…

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Abdominal pain

Dec 26, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Abdominal pain

Chapter 22 Abdominal pain Case 22.1 1. What information can you elicit from the following observations: a pain is colicky Colicky abdominal pain is due to a significant increase in…

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Sports injuries

Dec 26, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Sports injuries

Chapter 27 Sports injuries Case 27.1 History Tomislav is a 24-year-old amateur boxer. During a competition 1 week ago, he was struck on the jaw by an opponent and knocked…

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Pain in adolescence

Dec 26, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Pain in adolescence

Chapter 11 Pain in adolescence Case 11.1 1. What is your differential diagnosis? Justify your choices. Differential diagnosis Justification Miserable Malalignment syndrome (MMS) Commonly presents with excessive femoral anteversion, squinting…

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Joint pain and swelling in adolescence

Dec 26, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Joint pain and swelling in adolescence

Chapter 10 Joint pain and swelling in adolescence Case 10.1 1. Using only this information, list the possible causes of James’s presenting symptom(s). Justify your answer. Possible cause Justification DDx…

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Fever in infancy and childhood

Dec 26, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Fever in infancy and childhood

Chapter 6 Fever in infancy and childhood Case 6.1 1. What does this information tell you about the cause of her problem? Nasal flaring and indrawing of the intercostal and…

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Chest pain

Dec 26, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Chest pain

Chapter 21 Chest pain Case 21.1 Nick is a 20-year-old male who presents with a sudden onset of right-sided chest pain and acute dyspnoea, which commenced as he was watching…

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Fever in infancy and childhood

Dec 26, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Fever in infancy and childhood

Chapter 6 Fever in infancy and childhood Case 6.1 A 2-year-old girl presents with the development of fever over the last 3 hours, and dyspnoea over the last 30 minutes….

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