Foot and Ankle

Jul 18, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Foot and Ankle

Chapter 6 Foot and Ankle The procedures for taping the majority of sports injuries are illustrated in this and the following chapters. The purpose of these procedures is to provide…

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Knee and Thigh

Jul 18, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Knee and Thigh

Chapter 7 Knee and Thigh The knee is a modified, hinged weight-bearing joint dependent on several structures for stability: • medial and lateral collateral ligaments to prevent lateral (sideways) shearing…

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Wrist and Hand

Jul 18, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Wrist and Hand

Chapter 9 Wrist and Hand The wrist is a flexible osseo-ligamentous complex forming a connective link between the forearm and the hand. Multidirectional mobility results from the numerous multiarticular carpal…

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Shoulder and Elbow

Jul 18, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Shoulder and Elbow

Chapter 8 Shoulder and Elbow The gleno-humeral (shoulder) joint is one of the most mobile of all the joints in the body. It is this mobility that predisposes the shoulder…

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Key Taping Techniques

Jul 18, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Key Taping Techniques

Chapter 5 Key Taping Techniques Most taping applications are variations on basic key taping strategies. The differences in taping techniques lie in the manner and application of each strip of…

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General Guidelines for Taping

Jul 18, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on General Guidelines for Taping

Chapter 3 General Guidelines for Taping The choice of taping technique requires specific knowledge and observation skills. The following points are essential to ensure an effective, efficient taping application: •…

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Taping Supplies

Jul 18, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Taping Supplies

Chapter 1 Taping Supplies Essential taping supplies • disposable razor and soap • skin toughener spray • quick-drying adhesive spray • lubricating ointment/petroleum jelly (Vaseline™) • heel and lace pads…

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Basic Pathology

Jul 18, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Basic Pathology

Chapter 4 Basic Pathology The majority of injuries incurred during participation in sports activities are sprains, strains and contusions involving the musculo-skeletal system. The taping techniques demonstrated in this guide…

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Taping Objectives

Jul 18, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Taping Objectives

Chapter 2 Taping Objectives The rationale for taping is to provide protection and support for an injured part while permitting optimal functional movement. An essential rehabilitation tool, taping enhances healing…

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Jul 18, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Epilogue

Chapter 10 Epilogue Tom Hewetson If you ask a patient what brings them to your clinic, or ask an athlete what stops them training or competing, they will not answer…

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