Spine Surgery

Apr 17, 2020 by in PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION Comments Off on Spine Surgery

Spine Surgery Robert G. Watkins IV Robert G. Watkins III LEARNING OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter, you should be able to: Understand the indications for spinal surgery for the cervical,…

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Yoga Exercises Respecting Dynamic Neuromuscular Stability Principles in Senior Populations

Apr 17, 2020 by in PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION Comments Off on Yoga Exercises Respecting Dynamic Neuromuscular Stability Principles in Senior Populations

Yoga Exercises Respecting Dynamic Neuromuscular Stability Principles in Senior Populations Martina Jezkova Alena Kobesova Christine Lavelle Clive Farrelly LEARNING OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter, you should be able to: Understand…

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