The Role and Safety of Activity in the Elderly

The Role and Safety of Activity in the Elderly

Craig Liebenson

Laura Latham


Healthy lifestyles incorporating physical activity (PA) and exercise have been shown to be highly beneficial for persons aged 75 and older. Reductions in functional decline (frailty), coronary heart disease (CHD), and disability before death along with increased life expectancy have all been demonstrated.1,2,3,4,5 Specific exercise programs have also been shown to prevent falls in the elderly6,7,8 and improve function and quality of life in individuals with osteoarthritis (OA).9,10,11,12 Lack of activity is often underappreciated as a cause of death, but it has been shown that it causes twice as many deaths as is attributable to obesity.13

Table 42.1 Key Guidelines for Activity in Older Adults

  • At least 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) to 300 minutes (5 hours) a week of moderate-intensity;

  • Or 75 minutes (1 hour and 15 minutes) to 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity;

  • Or an equivalent combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity aerobic activity.

    • Preferably, aerobic activity should be spread throughout the week.

    • Additional health benefits are gained by engaging in physical activity beyond the equivalent of 300 minutes (5 hours) of moderate-intensity physical activity a week.

  • Adults should also do muscle-strengthening activities of moderate or greater intensity and that involve all major muscle groups on two or more days a week, as these activities provide additional health benefits.

From U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2018.

Table 42.1 describes the 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, second edition5 for activity in older adults. A recent Surgeon General’s report indicates that only 22% of adults in the United States are active enough to derive benefits from activity.14 According to the World Health Organization (WHO), globally, 23% of adults and 81% of adolescents (aged 11-17 years) do not meet the WHO global recommendations on physical activity for health.13 Meanwhile, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that all Americans should engage in a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate PA daily.15 The National Institutes of Health also issued similar recommendations.16

In a landmark report, the Surgeon General of the United States stated that older people regardless of gender or socioeconomic class are not exercising as much as they should, with women generally less active than men; 30% of women ages 60 to 69 engage in no leisure time activity compared with 17% of men.14 In 80-year-olds, 62% of women and 40% of men engage in no leisure time activity. The Surgeon General calls for at least 30 minutes of PA per day.

PA as well as other identifiable lifestyle factors play a role in life expectancy. Five “low-risk” factors were identified: never smoking, body mass index (BMI) of 18.5 to 24.9, greater than 30 minutes per day of vigorous PA, moderate alcohol intake, and high diet quality score. Individuals with all five low-risk lifestyle risk factors compared with individuals who have zero low-risk lifestyle factors at the age of 50 are predicted to add 12 to 14 years additional life expectancy.17

According to the 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, second edition,5 “Even low amounts of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity
reduce the risk of all-cause mortality.” The greatest benefit occurs when a person ceases being inactive5,18 (see Fig. 42.1). More activity is not only beneficial but also safe, “The relative risk of all-cause mortality continues to decline as people become even more physically active. Even at very high levels of physical activity (three to five times the key guidelines), there is no evidence of increased risk.”5

Figure 42.1 Relationship of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity to all-cause mortality. Adapted from Moore SC, Patel AV, Matthews CE, et al. Leisure time physical activity of moderate to vigorous intensity and mortality: a large pooled cohort analysis. PLoS Med. 2012;9(11):e1001335.

Inactive men 60 years of age who become active have a mortality rate 50% lower than their peers who remain inactive.19 A study of Harvard University alumni confirmed this result. Men who were initially sedentary but later began engaging in vigorous sports had a 23% lower rate of mortality than their inactive counterparts.20 A Honolulu Heart program found that retired men who walked more than 2 miles per day had half the mortality rate (22%) than those who walked less than 1 mile per day (43%).21 A follow-up study by Hakim reported that men who walked less than 0.25 miles per day had a 2-fold increased risk of CHD than those who walked 1.5 miles per day. Also, men who walked more than 1.5 miles per day experienced even greater preventive benefit. Women have also been shown to reduce their risk of cardiovascular (CV) disease from walking.2

There is a strong relationship between time spent in sedentary behavior and the risk of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality in adults (Fig. 42.2).5,22 Red represents higher risk of all-cause mortality, and green represents lower risk of all-cause mortality.

It is imperative that public health education and physician-led patient education initiatives spread this knowledge. Implementation, dissemination, and advocacy are needed to change behavior. Many physicians counsel patients about smoking and body
weight, but not about inactivity.23 In the past, it was believed that unless exercise intensity was fairly high (60%-80% maximal heart rate), health benefits would not accrue. A 3- to 4-mph walk is now acknowledged as beneficial.24 Additionally, exercise does not have to be at one time; therefore, for instance three 10-minute walks will be of benefit.25

Figure 42.2 Relationship among moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, sitting time, and risk of all-cause mortality in adults. Adapted from Ekelund U, Steene-Johannessen J, Brown WJ. Does physical activity attenuate, or even eliminate, the detrimental association of sitting time with mortality? A harmonized meta-analysis of data from more than 1 million men and women. Lancet. 2016;388:1302-1310.

The factors that limit physical performance in the elderly are either immutable or modifiable. Immutable characteristics include such things as gender, race, age, or chronic health problems. Modifiable include behavioral (i.e., moderate exercise), social network characteristics, and psychological characteristics (i.e., self-efficacy beliefs) (see Chapters 13, 14, 15).4 Both physical exercise and emotional support from one’s social network predict physical performance over a 2.5-year follow-up period.4 In fact, moderate activities (leisure walking) are as effective as strenuous activities (brisk walking). Compliance with PA prescription is improved with group fitness according to a systematic review of group walking participants. Group walking participants were shown to have improved PA on follow-up when compared with those walking alone or inactive controls and reported better quality of life. Further studies may encourage government policy to promote walking in groups.26 It is widely recognized that social relationships and affiliation have powerful effects on physical and mental health. Provision of social support, social influence, social engagement and attachment, and access to resources and material goods are four primary pathways through which social networks affect behavioral pathways.27 Lifestyle behavior change has also shown to be effective for individuals with chronic pain in terms of both outcomes and reducing the socioeconomic burden related to chronic pain and other noncommunicable diseases.28

The Recent American guidelines5 state, “The benefits of regular physical activity occur throughout life and are essential for healthy aging. Adults ages 65 years and older gain substantial health benefits from regular physical activity. However, it is never too late to start being physically active.” Being physically active makes it easier to perform activities of daily living (ADLs) such as—

  • eating

  • bathing

  • toileting

  • dressing

  • getting into or out of a bed or chair

  • and moving around the house or neighborhood

Physically active older adults derive numerous benefits such as—

  • decreased likelihood of experiencing falls

  • falls that do occur are less likely to be catastrophic

  • preserving physical function and mobility

  • maintaining independence late into life and delay the onset of major disability

The Guidelines continue,5 “Research shows that physical activity can improve physical function in adults of any age, adults with overweight or obesity, and even those who are frail.” Older adults spend a significant proportion of their day being sedentary even though “physical activity is key to preventing and managing chronic disease.”5 Additional benefits include a reduced risk of dementia, depression, or anxiety.

The Functional Assessment Scale (see form in Chapter 8) has been developed for assessing functional levels in older adults with OA of the knee(s).29 It was devised from the mobility and PA components of the Arthritis Impact Measurement Scale,30 which has been shown to be reliable and valid.31 This form could also have utility for measuring functional status in any elderly person with lower quarter musculoskeletal pain or limitations, balance issues or frailty, or those with specific functional limitations relating to standing, walking, stair climbing, including those requiring aids such as a cane or crutches.

Health Span Versus Life Span

According to Merriam-Webster, the term life span is defined as the average length of life of an organism or of a material object. Health span refers to the length of time a person is healthy, not just alive.32 Globally, life span has increased significantly in the last two decades. From 1990 to 2017, life expectancy at birth increased by 7.4 years, from 65.6 years in 1990 to 73.0 years in 2017.33 The increase in longevity varied from 5.1 years in wealthier countries to 12.0 years in poorer countries. Of the additional years of life expected at birth, 26.3% were expected to be spent in poor health in wealthier countries compared with 11.7% in poorer countries.33

The 2010 Census Bureau data (Fig. 42.3) show a dramatic increase in life expectancy at birth since 1900 (47-79 years).34 Figure 42.4 demonstrates that between 2000 and 2020 it is estimated that the 55- to 64-year-old
and 65 and up age group are increasing by 73% and 54%, respectively, whereas all younger age groups are at most only increasing by 8%!34 WHO estimates that from 2000 to 2050 the number of people 60 years or older will double, and that over 20% of the world’s population will be 60 years or older35 (Fig. 42.5). So much so that 2017 Census Bureau estimates that the shape of the population distribution which has always been a pyramid with children outnumbering the elderly will switch to a pillar by 2060 (Fig. 42.6).34

Figure 42.3 Life expectancy at birth. From U.S. Census Bureau. Older people projected to outnumber children for first time in U.S. history. October 10, 2018.

Figure 42.4 Change in population growth. From U.S. Census Bureau. Older people projected to outnumber children for first time in U.S. history. October 10, 2018.

According to GBD (2017), “With increasing life expectancy in most countries, the question of whether the additional years of life gained are spent in good
health or poor health has been increasingly relevant because of the potential policy implications, such as health-care provisions and extending retirement ages.”

Figure 42.5 Aging and health. From World Health Organization. World Report on Ageing and Health. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2015.

Figure 42.6 U.S. Census Bureau population: from pyramid to pillar. From US Census Bureau. “Library.” Census Bureau QuickFacts. October 1, 2018.

As life span has increased worldwide, health span has not proportionately improved and therefore has become of greater concern.36,37 When life span was shorter, the percentage of life spent with suboptimal integrity of the musculoskeletal system was smaller.38 As demonstrated in Figure 42.7, life span has grown much more than health span thus leaving us with a much greater time of life living with disability.38

A major issue that looms is how to take care of people who live a long life span with a poor health span. According to GBD (2013), “… a shift from communicable to non-communicable causes of disease burden and injuries remains a powerful framework for global and
regional health policy debates …. Even in the most advantageous sociodemographic quintile of countries, the time lived in full health constitutes only a small fraction (17.5%) of the overall life course.”39 Older adults have proportionately more health care problems40 (see Fig. 42.8). With an aging population this brings about an emerging crisis. According to a 2016 Consumer Expenditure Survey,41 people over 50 years old utilize

Figure 42.7 Age versus integrity of the musculoskeletal system. From Chung SG. What is on the horizon? Adding a new item to our list: mechanical connective soft tissue. PM&R. 2012;4(4):247-251. © 2012 by the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

  • 63% of surgeries

  • 63% of lab tests

  • 68% of over-the-counter drugs

  • 70% of vision services

  • 77% of prescription medications

  • 82% of home health care services

Figure 42.8 Percent of adults with chronic health problems by age. From Ward BW, Schiller JS, Goodman RA. Multiple chronic conditions among US adults. A 2012 update. Preventing chronic disease. Prev Chronic Dis. 2014;11:E62.

In spite of large gains made against the majority of leading causes of death in most countries, “these gains are not being accompanied by commensurate declines in age-standardized rates of disability, especially from major musculoskeletal disorders, mental and substance use disorders, neurological disorders, and diabetes.”39 Disease burden is a keystone concept to understand for the Sustainable Development Goal of ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being across the life span.33,42

In an era with longer life span, new issues emerging revolve around the age of retirement. Evidence shows the increase in life expectancy is not accompanied by an equivalent increase in years in good health. The disease or disability burden from musculoskeletal disorders and mental disorders has not improved over time.33

A metric for health span or disease burden is disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) (see Fig. 42.9). This is a measure of overall burden of disease. It adds the years of life lost to early death with the years spent living with disability. Low back pain is the number one cause of DALYs from musculoskeletal conditions (see Fig. 42.10).43 Disability resulting from low back pain is up 54% since 1990 (see Fig. 42.11).44,45

According to May et al, “Therefore, it is increasingly important to investigate potentially modifiable factors that are related to living longer in good health.” Potentially modifiable factors that are related to living longer in good health include being physically inactive and smoking.36,37,46 May et al report “that adhering to a healthy lifestyle such as non-smoking, maintaining a low BMI, being physically active, or consuming a healthy diet, results in a lower disease burden.” The modifiable lifestyle factors are36

Figure 42.9 Disability-adjusted life years. (YLD, Years Lived with Disability; YLL, Years of Life Lost.) Reprinted from GBD 2013 DALYs and HALE Collaborators, Murray CJ, Barber RM, Foreman Kj, et al. Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 306 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 188 countries, 1990-2013: quantifying the epidemiological transition. Lancet. 2015;386(10009):2145-2191. © 2015 Elsevier. With permission.

Figure 42.10 Proportions of years lived in disability for musculoskeletal disorders. Reprinted from March L, Smith EU, Hoy DG, et al. Burden of disability due to musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol. 2014;28(3):353-366. © 2014 Elsevier. With permission.

Figure 42.11 Age group versus disability-adjusted life years. From Buchbinder R, Tulder MV, Öberg B, et al. Low back pain: a call for action. Lancet. 2018;391(10137):2384-2388. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(18)30488-4. Figure 11 artist credit with permission from Adam Meakins.

  • never smoking

  • BMI less than 30

  • 3.5 hours per week or more of PA

  • and adherence to a healthy diet

Other researchers have found similarly that “For each gender and race group, those with the healthiest lifestyle (those who were nonsmokers of a healthy weight and diet and getting regular exercise) not only lived longer, but had fewer disabled years at the end of their lives”47 (see Figure 42.12) (on the line).

Another study by Leskinen et al analyzing the relationship between PA and life expectancy revealed a clear dose-response relationship between higher PA levels and increased health and chronic disease-free life expectancy in both men and women. On average, vigorously active men and women lived 6.3 years longer in good health and 2.9 years longer without chronic disease between ages 50 and 75 compared with inactive adults. This difference between vigorously active and inactive individuals was largest in individuals with low occupation status.48

It is hypothesized that there is an activity threshold involved in healthy aging. Evidence shows that sufficient activity promotes optimal aging, whereas insufficient activity below threshold leads to uncertain health trajectory and compromises aging. Furthermore, activity levels that are more than sufficient may not provide additional health benefits, but can contribute to maximizing athletic performance49 (see Figure 42.12).

Figure 42.12 Zone of improved quality of life for lifelong exercisers. From Stamatakis E, Jason ML, Feeston J, et al. Does strength-promoting exercise confer unique health benefits? A pooled snalysis of data on 11 population cohorts with all-cause, cancer, and cardiovascular mortality endpoints. Am J Epidemiol. 2018;187(5):1102-1112. © The Author(s) 2018. Adapted by permission of Oxford University Press on behalf of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Cardiovascular Risks and Benefits

Cardiovascular Benefits Associated With Activity and Exercise in the Elderly

The Cochrane Collaboration reviewed randomized, controlled trials and found there was a 27% reduction in all-cause mortality in the exercise-only intervention groups (odds ratio [OR], 0.73; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.54-0.98). Total cardiac mortality was reduced by 31% (OR, 0.69; 95% CI, 0.51-0.94).50 The European Society of Cardiology has provided age-specific recommendations for exercise.51

Regular activity decreases the risk of myocardial infarction (MI) and death, and low CV fitness if measured as endurance is well correlated with CHD and mortality.52,53 This may be the most important single independent risk factor. Aging and decreased CV fitness as measured by maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) are directly associated.

In a long-term (16-year) follow-up study, The Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial study found that a moderate exercise program reduced mortality from heart disease.54 The study population included men at relatively high risk for CHD caused by being sedentary. Data showed that a relatively small amount (10-36 minutes per day) of moderate-intensity leisure time exercise reduced premature mortality from CHD. The intensity of PA relative to effort and CV fitness may also be relevant.55

A study by Lear et al assessed whether different amounts and types of PA were as affective at
reducing mortality and CVD. In 130,000 people from 17 high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries, it was shown that both recreational and non-recreational activity in those with physically demanding jobs was beneficial in reducing mortality rates and CVD. Increasing PA is a simple, widely applicable, low-cost global strategy that could reduce deaths and CVD.56

Cardiovascular Risks Associated With Activity and Exercise in the Elderly

With such clear benefits of PA and exercise among older persons, issues of the safety and risks of reactivation in the elderly or health compromised need to be detailed. Only when the risks and benefits are explained clearly can a change in behavior be expected (see Chapters 13 and 14).

There is primary circumstantial evidence that supports the “Extreme exercise hypothesis” according to a study by Eijsvogels et al. The extreme exercise hypothesis is a U-shaped dose-response curve between PA volumes and CV health outcomes (see Fig. 42.13). “Subclinical and atherosclerotic coronary artery disease (CAD) as well as structural cardiovascular abnormalities and arrhythmias are present in some of the most active veteran endurance athletes and need appropriate clinical follow-up to reduce the risk for adverse cardiovascular outcomes.” Future studies are warranted to establish long-term CV health effects of these findings in veteran endurance athletes.57

Figure 42.13 Conceptual overview of the “Extreme Exercise Hypothesis.” From Eijsvogels TMH, Thompson PD, Franklin BA. The “Extreme Exercise Hypothesis”: recent findings and cardiovascular health implications. Curr Treat Options Cardiovasc Med. 2018;20(10):84.

The Myocardial Infarction Onset Study was performed to identify activities that trigger an acute MI in elderly individuals. The relative risk of MI in the hour after vigorous physical exertion was 12.7 (relative risk is the ratio of incidence rates for a condition in two distinct populations—in this case for MI after vigorous exertion versus normal activity). Vigorous physical exertion is equivalent to six metabolic equivalents (METS), which include slow jogging, speed walking, tennis, heavy gardening, and shoveling snow. The relative risk of MI within 2 hours of sexual intercourse (three to four METS) was 2.5.58,59

The Cardiovascular Health Study—the only population-based, longitudinal study of CVDs in older individuals—reported that regular vigorous exercise 3 days per week increased the risk of MI from
1.3% to 1.6% in a 79-year-old woman, and from 3.9% to 4.8% in a 90-year-old man. However, over time, the risk would fall because those who exercise regularly have a lower relative risk that an MI will be triggered by heavy physical exertion.58,60 In fact, regular activity or exercise has been shown to reduce the risk of MI and death in older adults.2,21 A study by Stamatakis et al showed that there were no life expectancy gains for cardiorespiratory fitness when competing mortality risks were taken into account, specifically for CVD mortality.61


Risk Factors

Loss of bone mass occurs with aging. This leads to bone fragility and an increased incidence of fracture, especially to the hip, spine, and wrist. The incidence varies with sex, geography, and ethnicity. The postmenopausal white female is at particular risk. Regional variations exist, with American women in the southeast being at highest risk.62 The lifetime incidence of a hip fracture in a 50-year-old white American female is 17%, whereas for a similar white male it is just 6%.63

The cycle of impairment is complex with osteoporosis. Results suggest that osteoporosis comorbidities, particularly fractures, have a profound impact on physical function and activity, the very treatment to the disease, and accumulate overtime through this cycle of impairment. Other physical, psychosocial, and treatment-related factors such as fears and beliefs about PA and fracture risk influence physical function and every day activity adding to complexity.64

Knee Osteoarthritis


Patients with knee OA have a lower walking speed, shorter stride, reduced ankle power at terminal stance, and dysfunctional knee kinematics when walking at a paced speed.74 They have increased muscle activity and muscle co-activation during gait and stair descent on a 20-cm step.75 It has been suggested that this step height may be too high for the elderly.75 Poor balance has been found in individuals with bilateral knee OA more so than in an age-matched control group.29 Pandya et al reported that knee OA reduces obstacle avoidance strategies and increased the propensity to trip on an obstacle (the greater the pain, the greater the risk).76

Activity levels and functional performance (self-paced walk test, timed up-and-go test, and timed stair performance) measures in individuals awaiting total knee arthroplasty (TKA) are much lower than in fit elderly.77 OA patients had the following disabilities compared with age-matched non-sufferers.77

  • Household score only 16% compromised

  • OA patients climbed fewer stairs, shopped less often

  • OA patients’ sports participation was 10% of asymptomatics

OA patients walked at a 62% slower pace. Female patients had 46% the muscle endurance. Of note is the fact that the performance tests were not more painful in the symptomatic group.

Knee imaging is increasingly used to inform clinical diagnosis and management of OA. However, evidence suggests that imaging findings don’t correlate with pain for functional deficits. Furthermore, according to a meta-analysis by Culvenor et al, the presence of knee OA was seen in 19% to 43% in magnetic resonance imaging studies completed on asymptomatic individuals greater than 40 years old.78


OA often leads to sedentarism and thus can increase the risk of CVD, yet historically patients with OA were advised to avoid activity.14,79 It is now recognized that exercise programs for patients with knee or hip OA are beneficial.14,80,81,82 In a large study of 439 individuals older than the age of 60 with radiologic knee OA, either aerobic or resistance exercise improved function and reduced pain without increasing any signs of radiographic arthritis.82 Petrella and Bartha reported that increases in physical capacity and PA are achieved with exercise.10

Such rehabilitation may be preventive of end-stage OA requiring TKA. Master et al83 showed that individuals with knee OA were 12% less likely to end up needing TKA with every additional 1,000 steps walked per day and 53% less likely to need TKA if more than 6,000 steps were walked compared with those who don’t.84 Further research by Bricca et al showed that knee joint loading exercise is a cornerstone in the management of knee OA. Knee joint loading in the form of exercise therapy has a moderate effect of decreasing pain and improving physical function. Knee joint loading exercise seems to be not harmful for articular cartilage in participants at an increased risk of or with knee OA.85 Specific approaches found to be effective include:

  • Isometric quadriceps training9,10,86

  • Supervised walking87

  • General aerobic conditioning12,88

Patients whose self-efficacy improves with treatment experienced the greatest improvement.12,89,90 The combination of psychosocial approaches with exercise was superior to either alone. Keefe et al recently reported that spouse-assisted coping skills training enhances the effectiveness of the treatment program for knee OA.91

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