of the Posterior Lumbar Muscles: Study of Lumbosacral Malformations and the Extraforaminal Approach (ELIF)
Fig. 1 CT-scan lateral and axial views L4–L5. Measurement of the surfaces of Multifidus and the three posterior muscles (M + L + IC) with horizontal cross-section Table 1 True levels Normal lumbar…
Innervation of the Spine
Fig. 1 Intervertebral disc innervation (axial plane). 1. Anterior longitudinal ligament. 2. Intervertebral disc. 3. Posterior longitudinal ligament. 4. Dura mater. NSV sinu-vertebral nerve, VR ventral root, DR dorsal root,…
Approach to the Functioning of the Spine
Fig. 1 Simplified diagram of the vertebral system: 1. Environment, 2. Inside the body. I inputs, O outputs, SS sensory sensors, IC intrinsic control, MC medullary control, BC brain control,…
Anatomy of the Erector Spinae: Review
and O. Gille2 (1) Orthopedic Medicine, University Hospital, Bordeaux, France (2) Spinal Unit, University Hospital, Bordeaux, France KeywordsAnatomySpineMuscleFunctionLow back painCamptocormia Introduction The final decades of the twentieth century have seen…
of Soft Tissue Repair Techniques for Shoulder Instability
Fig. 5.1 Example of the on/off track scenario 5.2.7 Instability Severity Index Score (ISIS) Balg and Boileau established the Instability Severity Index Score (ISIS) assessing the preoperative likelihood of recurrent…
in General Glenohumeral and Subacromial Space Procedures
Fig. 2.1 (a) AP radiograph of a patient with a critical shoulder angle (CSA) auf 33°. (b) Y-view showing the significant spur formation at the anterolateral acromion edge. The calculated…
Complications in Shoulder Arthroscopy
Fig. 13.1 The three sectors of the shoulder 13.4.1 Postero-Superior Area No voluminous vascular structures are at risk in this area, except the suprascapular artery (Fig. 13.2). During arthroscopic supra…
in Tendon Transfers
Fig. 10.1 AP radiograph demonstrating no significant superior migration of the humeral head MRI Arthrogram demonstrated a massive tear of the postero-superior rotator cuff, with retraction to the glenoid (Figs….
of Superior Capsular Reconstruction
Fig. 9.1 Arthroscopic view of the retracted supraspinatus tendon in a right shoulder Table 9.1 Indications for superior capsular reconstruction Indications Author’s indication Initially described indication [1] – Postero-superior tear…