Clinical Reasoning

Apr 2, 2020 by in SPORT MEDICINE Comments Off on Clinical Reasoning

1 Clinical Reasoning Fast and Slow Thinking in Musculoskeletal Practice Mark A. Jones Introduction In this chapter clinical reasoning in musculoskeletal practice is presented as being multidimensional and involving fast,…

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Clinical Prediction Rules

Apr 2, 2020 by in SPORT MEDICINE Comments Off on Clinical Prediction Rules

5 Clinical Prediction Rules Their Benefits and Limitations in Clinical Reasoning Robin Haskins, Chad E. Cook, Peter G. Osmotherly, Darren A. Rivett An Overview of Statistics in Healthcare Clinical Reasoning…

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Nonspecific Low Back Pain

Apr 2, 2020 by in SPORT MEDICINE Comments Off on Nonspecific Low Back Pain

8 Nonspecific Low Back Pain Manipulation as the Approach to Management Timothy W. Flynn, Bill Egan, Darren A. Rivett, Mark A. Jones Patient History Dave is a 46-year-old male who…

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A Lawyer With Whiplash

Apr 2, 2020 by in SPORT MEDICINE Comments Off on A Lawyer With Whiplash

14 A Lawyer With Whiplash Gwendolen Jull, Michele Sterling, Darren A. Rivett, Mark A. Jones Patient Interview Emma K was a 38-year-old woman who was referred to physiotherapy by her…

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