The Universe of Diagnoses

Apr 2, 2020 by in SPORT MEDICINE Comments Off on The Universe of Diagnoses

19 the universe of diagnoses       Okay, let’s get literal for a moment. Solar system, galaxy, universe… What’s the difference (Figure 19-1)? The standard answer is that the…

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Traps in Hip Arthroscopy

Apr 2, 2020 by in SPORT MEDICINE Comments Off on Traps in Hip Arthroscopy

24 traps in hip arthroscopy       JOHN P. SALVO JR, MD KEVIN O’DONNELL, MD Editor’s Note: John Salvo, a trusted colleague and Rothman Institute partner, has one of the…

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Fifteen Core Principles

Apr 2, 2020 by in SPORT MEDICINE Comments Off on Fifteen Core Principles

16 fifteen core principles         Okay, we diverted into clinical aspects and practicalities of the core for a while. Let’s not get too far off track. Let’s…

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