Injury Types, Assessment, and Management

Apr 16, 2020 by in SPORT MEDICINE Comments Off on Injury Types, Assessment, and Management

CHAPTER 3 Injury Types, Assessment, and Management Matthew Gotlin, MD, and Laith Jazrawi, MD Despite excellent conditioning, proper form and technique, state-of-the-art equipment, and numerous preventive strategies, athletes get injured….

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Biomechanics of Function and Injury

Apr 16, 2020 by in SPORT MEDICINE Comments Off on Biomechanics of Function and Injury

CHAPTER 1 Biomechanics of Function and Injury Adam Gotlin, BS, MS The human body consists of a system of bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, and other connective tissues that work…

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Wrist and Hand Injuries

Apr 16, 2020 by in SPORT MEDICINE Comments Off on Wrist and Hand Injuries

CHAPTER 8 Wrist and Hand Injuries Steven Beldner, MD, Marcel A. Bas, MD, and Daniel B. Polatsch, MD The wrist joint is composed of the distal aspect of the two…

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Foot and Toe Injuries

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CHAPTER 15 Foot and Toe Injuries Christopher E. Hubbard, MD, and William G. Hamilton, MD The foot is made up of 26 bones plus the soft tissues. The soft tissues…

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Knee Injuries

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CHAPTER 13 Knee Injuries Ron Noy, MD Knee injuries are among the most common injuries in athletes of all ages. They have become more prevalent for many reasons, including participation…

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Shoulder Injuries

Apr 16, 2020 by in SPORT MEDICINE Comments Off on Shoulder Injuries

CHAPTER 6 Shoulder Injuries Edmund S. Evangelista, MD The shoulder is made up of two main joints: the glenohumeral joint, which is the “ball and socket,” and the acromioclavicular joint,…

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Arm and Elbow Injuries

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CHAPTER 7 Arm and Elbow Injuries Andrew L. Sherman, MD, MS, and Jesse N. Charnoff, MD Arm and elbow injuries are common in athletes and even more prominent in those…

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Back Injuries

Apr 16, 2020 by in SPORT MEDICINE Comments Off on Back Injuries

CHAPTER 10 Back Injuries Joseph Lee, MD Injuries to the back are prevalent among athletes. It is estimated that 9 percent of all sport-related injuries involve lower-back pain. In the…

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Lower-Leg and Ankle Injuries

Apr 16, 2020 by in SPORT MEDICINE Comments Off on Lower-Leg and Ankle Injuries

CHAPTER 14 Lower-Leg and Ankle Injuries Christopher E. Hubbard, MD, and William G. Hamilton, MD Ankle injuries are extraordinarily common in sports, particularly in pivoting and contact sports such as…

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