Ring Avulsion Injuries
Ring Avulsion Injuries Evan H. Horowitz Michael Guju Francisco A. Schwartz-Fernandes INTRODUCTION Definition Acute trauma to a finger caused by a sudden force on a ring, leading to skin and…
High-Pressure Injection Injuries
High-Pressure Injection Injuries Erez Avisar High-pressure injection (HPI) injury has the potential to cause devastating injury to the limb. It has a high risk of being overlooked due to its…
Fingertip Amputations
Fingertip Amputations Robert Ryu Hisham M. Awan INTRODUCTION Fingertip injuries are the most common hand injuries presenting to emergency departments. Fingertip injuries with soft tissue loss may be time-intensive and…
The Mangled Hand
The Mangled Hand Jason S. Lipof John C. Elfar INTRODUCTION The mangled extremity, by definition, exhibits injury to three or more of the four limb systems: (1) soft tissue, (2)…
Replantation Michael S. Gart INTRODUCTION The first upper extremity replantation was performed in Boston, MA by Dr Ronald Malt in 1962.1 Three years later, Komatsu and Tamai reported the first…
Nail Bed Injury
Nail Bed Injury Andrew D. Sobel INTRODUCTION Fingertip injuries, and injuries to the nail bed specifically, are common problems that vary widely in mechanism and severity. Injuries to the nail…
Compartment Syndrome
Compartment Syndrome Roshan Melvani Christopher M. Jones INTRODUCTION Acute compartment syndrome (ACS) is an increase in tissue pressure within an osseofascial compartment above tissue perfusion pressure, resulting in diminished local…
Bite Wounds
Bite Wounds Mark Henry INTRODUCTION Pathoanatomy1,2,3,4,5 Skin wound—mixed pattern of crush, cut, tear damage to margins (Figure 49.1) Deep structural injury to bone, tendon, nerve with powerful bites (dog, larger…
Osteomyelitis Julie Johnson John R. Fowler INTRODUCTION Pathoanatomy—bony infection caused by microbial invasion characterized by inflammation and destruction of bone Mechanism—contiguous spread (abscess, septic joint), direct inoculation (trauma, surgery, foreign…