Lisfranc Fracture/Dislocation Treated with ORIF
Figure 15.1 Radiographs of the patient’s left foot taken 3 days after the injury. (a) Weight-bearing AP view showing >2 mm diastasis of the first intermetatarsal space and loss of…
Figure 15.1 Radiographs of the patient’s left foot taken 3 days after the injury. (a) Weight-bearing AP view showing >2 mm diastasis of the first intermetatarsal space and loss of…
Figure 21.1 (a–c) Initial standing films of the ankle Figure 21.2 (a–c) Initial standing films of the foot Treatment Considerations Charcot neuroarthropathy occurs in patients with peripheral neuropathy , most…
Figure 17.1 Right foot trauma bay radiographs after initial injury. (a) (AP), (b) (oblique), (c) (lateral). Segmental second and third metatarsal fractures with 100% transverse displacement of the distal fractures…
Figure 22.1 Preoperative (a) anterior-posterior, (b) mortise, and (c) lateral radiographs of the left ankle demonstrated post-traumatic degenerative changes including joint space narrowing and sclerosis along with anterior subluxation of…
Figure 4.1 Initial injury AP and lateral radiographs The patient underwent closed reduction of the ankle under hematoma block, was placed into a plaster splint, and was scheduled for surgical…
Figure 11.1 Soft-tissue appearance at the time of presentation to the emergency department Radiographs X-rays of his foot, ankle, as well as full-length tibia and fibula images (joint above and…
Figure 3.1 Injury films AP, mortise, and lateral Figure 3.2 Post-reduction films AP, mortise, lateral Treatment and Timing of Surgery In this patient because the ankle was reduced in an…
Figure 5.1 Initial radiographs demonstrating right trimalleolar fracture-dislocation Figure 5.2 Post-reduction radiographs Treatment Consideration When obtaining the patient’s history, it is important to address medical comorbidities and social habits that…
Figure 10.1 Lateral radiograph (a), 30-degree semi-coronal (b), sagittal (c), and axial (d) CT showing an intra-articular joint depression type calcaneus fracture. There is flattening of the Böhler’s angle to…
Figure 8.1 AP, mortise, and lateral radiographs of the injury Diagnostic Testing and Treatment Considerations Medial clear space widening greater than 5 mm indicates a tear of the deltoid ligament…