Nonunions of the Wrist and Hand
Fig. 7.1 Computed tomography evaluation of distal radius nonunion after attempted fixation and allograft bone grafting for comminuted open fracture 7.2.5 Treatment Given the rarity of distal radius nonunions, it is…
Fig. 7.1 Computed tomography evaluation of distal radius nonunion after attempted fixation and allograft bone grafting for comminuted open fracture 7.2.5 Treatment Given the rarity of distal radius nonunions, it is…
Fig. 9.1 Subtrochanteric nonunion in irradiated bone with failed hardware A careful history that evaluates systemic conditions and medications must be performed. The use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs has been implicated…
Fig. 12.1 a Knee radiographs demonstrate varus deformity and apparent intra-articular nonunion. b Full-length weight-bearing view of the bilateral lower extremities confirms varus malalignment as well as the relative limb shortening…
Fig. 5.1 Anteroposterior (a) and lateral (b) radiographs of a supracondylar humerus nonunion. Loss of fixation and alignment of the fracture fragments can be seen, as well as a gap at…
Fig. 14.1 13-year-old girl hit by a light pole while waiting for the school bus. a, b Anteroposterior (AP) and lateral of the hypertrophic nonunion with deformity. c Application of…
Fig. 6.1 a, b Anteroposterior (AP) and lateral of nonunion after failed closed treatment. c, d AP and lateral of after repair of nonunion A 45-year-old, right-hand dominant, day laborer, who…
Fig. 3.1 a Preoperative radiograph of distal clavicle nonunion. b Post-operative radiograph of distal clavicle nonunion following open reduction and internal fixation with a precontoured distal clavicle plate and a lag…
Fig. 4.1 An 82-year-old female two years status-post open reduction and internal fixation with standard T-plate with wound drainage, hardware failure, and surgical neck nonunion on anteroposterior (AP) (a) and lateral…
Fig. 12.1 Demonstration of the Jupiter cut in a market in Auvillars (Haute Garonne), France Fig. 12.2 Depiction of the long inter-fragmental contact and the double chevron cut distal dorsal…
Fig. 4.1 In this sesamoid axial view , the crista is shown to be laterally rotated, indicating that the first metatarsal is externally rotated While radiographic examination can show deviation…