Periprosthetic Fractures After Total Knee Arthroplasty
Fig. 19.1 Lateral radiograph shows a worrisome anterior notch on the distal femur, which could place this patient at higher risk for fracture . The surgical technique was also compromised…
Fig. 19.1 Lateral radiograph shows a worrisome anterior notch on the distal femur, which could place this patient at higher risk for fracture . The surgical technique was also compromised…
Healthy patients with long-standing infection and/or high-virulence organism 4 g vancomycin and 4.8 g tobramycin per 40 g bag of simplex bone cement Standard dosing in patients with no major comorbidities 3 g vancomycin…
Fig. 13.1 Well-fixed cemented revision implants Finally, when considering the incorporation of allograft into a revision construct, Completo et al. [7] investigated the effect that stems had in stress shielding…
Fig. 10.1 Photograph depicting an implant specific tibial sleeve (DePuy; Warsaw, IN) Recent Innovations In 1999, Bobyn et al. [12] studied cylindrical porous tantalum implants in a transcortical canine model…
Fig. 23.1 (a) Anteroposterior and (b) lateral radiographs showing extra-articular tibial and femoral fractures resulting in coronal and sagittal plane deformities Although primary total knee replacement is not infrequently performed…
Fig. 6.1 After revision arthroplasty for infection and placement of a lateral gastrocnemius pedicle flap , this incision is displaced to the medial side of the midline in order to…
Fig. 5.1 Diagram demonstrating the extraosseous peripatellar anastomotic ring. ATR anterior tibial recurrent, LIG lateral inferior genicular, LSG lateral superior genicular, MIG medial inferior genicular, MSG medial superior genicular, SG…
Fig. 17.1 A small sinus present around the incision several years after TKA should raise the concern regarding the likelihood of a substantial chronic late infection Weight-bearing radiographs should be…
Fig. 27.1 (a) Standing anterior-posterior radiograph of an obese patient with a pendulous fatty panniculus following massive weight loss . (b and c) Photographs demonstrating redundant skin overhanging the patella…
Fig. 24.1. Heterotopic ossification is seen in the extensor mechanism and can limit flexion of the knee. Limited surgical dissection in the suprapatellar pouch may potentially avoid this complication However,…