Anatomy and Terminology
Fig. 2.1 Medial cuneiform. (a) Posterior surface. (b) Medial surface. (c) Lateral surface. (d) Inferior surface. (e) Superior surface The First Metatarsal The first metatarsal is the shortest and strongest…
Fig. 2.1 Medial cuneiform. (a) Posterior surface. (b) Medial surface. (c) Lateral surface. (d) Inferior surface. (e) Superior surface The First Metatarsal The first metatarsal is the shortest and strongest…
Fig. 10.1 (a) Shortening of the first ray after inadequate correction with chevron bunionectomy. (b) Revisional hallux valgus correction with opening base wedge osteotomy to restore length to the medial…
Structural etiologies Biomechanical etiologies Systemic etiologies Other etiologies Short first metatarsal Pronating pes plano valgus Neuromuscular diseases Hereditary factors Long first metatarsal Inflammatory arthritides Shoegear Degenerative arthritides Female gender Ligamentous…
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018Paul D. Dayton (ed.)Evidence-Based Bunion Surgery 1. Overview of the Condition Paul D. Dayton1, 2 , Dixon Xu3 and James Mahoney3 (1) College of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery, Des Moines University, Des Moines, Iowa,…
Fig. 24.1 Athletes should align knee over second and third toes to prevent dynamic valgus position Fig. 24.2 (a, b) When landing, the trunk should lie within the base of…
Fig. 7.1 Axial T2-weighted fat-suppressed image from a 12-year-old girl showing the normal hypointense signal within the proximal ACL Fig. 7.2 Sequential coronal T2-weighted fat-suppressed images from the same 12-year-old…
Fig. 23.1 Arthroscopic images demonstrate Type I ACL deficiency characterized by hypoplastic (a) and nonfunctional (b) ACL Fig. 23.2 Radiograph of a 13-year-old female show hypoplastic tibial spine and narrow…
Fig. 3.1 Dissected 8-year-old male, left pediatric knee, showing an intact ACL with femoral origin (a) and tibial (b) insertion sites. Published with kind permission of © Kevin Shea 2017….
Fig. 11.1 Group of girls aged 11–12 years. It is apparent that despite similar chronologic age, the amount of growth remaining in each girl is variable. Skeletal age and Tanner…
Fig. 18.1 Heel slides demonstrating an active assisted range of motion of the surgical knee (right) to promote knee flexion . Can be done passively by pulling a towel that…