Recurrent Hallux Valgus
Fig. 12.1 (a) Case courtesy of Margo Jimenez preoperative X-ray of HAV deformity. (b) Five days post-op with good reduction of the intermetatarsal angle, the metatarsal head well aligned on top…
Fig. 12.1 (a) Case courtesy of Margo Jimenez preoperative X-ray of HAV deformity. (b) Five days post-op with good reduction of the intermetatarsal angle, the metatarsal head well aligned on top…
Fig. 13.1 (a, b) Radiographs of multi-planar nonunion Fig. 13.2 (a, b) Clinical example of a dorsiflexed malunion . (c) Lateral radiograph of a dorsiflexed malunion A plantar flexed arthrodesis…
Fig. 24.1 While the extent of the diseased bone may not be clear in a plain X-ray, it may be clear in an MRI Aggressive resection of the necrotic bone…
(1) The Orthopaedic Clinic, Auburn, AL, USA KeywordsCalcaneusFractureFixationArthritisArthrodesisWoundInfectionMalunionNeuritisTendonitisOperativeNonoperative Introduction Treatment of calcaneal fractures has evolved over the last 25 years from primarily nonoperative care to a more aggressive approach involving…
Indications for external fixation Conditions treated with external fixation Nonunion/Malunion Joint distraction Callus distraction/lengthening of bone Off-loading of wound/flap Osteotomy Arthrodesis Infection/Osteomyelitis Soft tissue/skin contracture Fracture Extensive scarring/contracture/burns Previous infection…
Local factors Host factors Infection Tobacco use Insufficient fixation Vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency Poor reduction/gapping Thyroid dysfunction Malalignment Parathyroid dysfunction Poor site preparation/debridement Diabetes mellitus Thermal necrosis Premature weight bearing Soft…
Fig. 4.1 A 34-year-old male presented to the clinic with chronic ankle pain from numerous inversion ankle injuries. Radiographs revealed a large osseous fragment (figure) over the anterior medial aspect…
Fig. 29.1 (a) Preoperative TTC arthrodesis patient with diabetes sent for angiography. Confirmed occlusion of anterior tibialis artery. (b) Poststenting procedure showing significantly improved flow (Courtesy of Dr. Patrick Antoun)…
Fig. 14.1 Detritic synovitis from a silicone implant Fig. 14.2 Erosion of the plantar aspect of the proximal phalanx (red arrow) Metallic implants may still present with a similar detritic…
Fig. 11.1 (a, b) Comparison of inherent shortening of the Chevrons vs. Mitchell verse osteotomy On the other hand, base procedures are inherently less stable than head procedures secondary to…