Adductor Muscles Injuries
Fig. 14.1 A 28-year-old male athlete with an injury to the myotendinous junction of the left adductor longus (AL). (a) Coronal and (b) axial short tau inversion recovery MRI show…
Fig. 14.1 A 28-year-old male athlete with an injury to the myotendinous junction of the left adductor longus (AL). (a) Coronal and (b) axial short tau inversion recovery MRI show…
Groups Muscles Posterior Trapezius (1), rhomboideus (2), splenius capitis (3), semi spinalis (4), multifidus (5), longissimus cervicis (6), splenius cervicis (8) Lateral Ilio costalis (7), levator scapula (9),posterior (10), middle…
Fig. 30.1 Cervical sub-region (a) chosen for DXA measurements (b) With DXA, the least detectable mass is 250 g. The accuracy rate is 2 % for a reproducibility of ±…
Fig. 23.1 15-year-old-male soccer player 8 days after direct contusion on the thigh. Axial ultrasound shows an ill-defined area of hyperechogenicity (arrows) within the vastus intermedius muscle consistent with contusion…
Fig. 6.1 Extensive grade 1 muscle injury on MRI. Coronal T2-weighted fat-suppressed image depicts typical diffuse feathery appearance (of semimembranosus muscle in this example). This effect is due to fluid…
Fig. 28.1. Preparation of liquid PRGF®-Endoret® 2. With ultrasound guidance, the injury and, if applicable, the possible hematoma associated with the muscle tear (seromas and fibrosis in the case…
Fig. 15.1 Coronal contrast-enhanced T1-weighted SPIR pelvic MRI shows hypersignal at the myotendinous junction of the left iliopsoas muscle and its iliac insertion with hematoma (arrow) 15.3.2 Acute Traumatic Lesions…
Fig. 8.1 Bleeding after hamstring (biceps femoris) injury 8.3.2 The Rehabilitation Phase Musculoskeletal Exercises Early active mobilization has been recommended since 1953 according to Woodard, and should start as…
Vascular region Blood flow (ml.min−1) Rest VO2max Brain 750 850 Coronary 250 1000 Kidneys 1200 360 Muscle – Inactive 1000 850 Muscle – Active 21,840 Skin 500 300 Splanchnic 1500…
Fig. 25.1 Axial fat-suppressed T2- (a), axial contrast-enhanced fat-suppressed T1- (b) and coronal fat-suppression T2-weighted (c) MRI show an area of high-signal intensity within the quadratus femoris (white arrow) and…