Management of Complications After Replantation
Fig. 13.1 Shearing force of the suture under tension will lead to tearing of the vascular wall The second aim of debridement is the identification of vessels and nerves. Prevention…
Fig. 13.1 Shearing force of the suture under tension will lead to tearing of the vascular wall The second aim of debridement is the identification of vessels and nerves. Prevention…
Fig. 4.1 A thumb avulsion injury that resulted in disruption of the flexor and extensor systems from their proximal muscle bellies. Additionally, the digital nerves are noted to disrupt proximally…
Fig. 3.1 Cross section of a nerve fiber demonstrating axons, fascicles along with the surrounding connective tissue layers: endoneurium, perineurium, and epineurium (Reprinted with permission from the Cleveland Clinic Center…
Fig. 11.1 (a–d) Avulsion-type amputation in a 7-year-old child that occurred due to a door slam. (a) Dorsal view of the thumb with exposed distal phalanx. (b) Volar view with…
Fig. 2.1 Leonardo da Vinci: The proportions of the human figure (Vitruvian Man) (circa 1490). (Original at: Gabinetto dei disegni e stampe of the Gallerie dell’Accademia, Venice. In Public Domain…
Fig. 1.1 World’s first digital replant. Tamai 1965 (Used with permission from Kamatsu and Tamai [1]) Despite this, the history of reattachment of parts has a strong religious association, and…
Fig. 9.1 (a–f) Total great-toe transfer to an unreplantable thumb amputation at proximal phalanx. (a) Coverage reconstruction of the amputation stump of the thumb with a pedicle groin flap before…
Fig. 8.1 An example of tagging pertinent structures in a thumb replant. Here, silver/gold clamps are utilized to mark arteries and black clamps to mark dorsal veins. A stitch is…
Fig. 10.1 Immediate opponensplasty with flexor digitorum superficialis from the amputated finger. Left: crush injury of right hand, resulted in incomplete amputation of right thumb, index, long, and ring fingers…
Fig. 7.1 (a) This transhumeral amputation with an associated elbow dislocation occurred as a result of an 11-year-old girl getting her sleeve caught in a manure spreader. (b, c) Despite…