Desmoplastic Fibroma of Bone

Jan 2, 2017 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Desmoplastic Fibroma of Bone

Any bone can be involved. Most cases occur in the jaw; metaphysis of long bones, especially the distal end of the radius; scapula; and pelvis. Clinical Symptoms and Signs Local…

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Jan 2, 2017 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Angiosarcoma

Radiographically, angiosarcoma usually is a completely lytic, uni- or multilocular lesion, with medullar and cortical permeation. Less commonly, it may be sclerotic or mixed, lytic and sclerotic. It usually has…

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Glomus Tumor

Jan 2, 2017 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Glomus Tumor

Fig. 34.1 Glomus tumor of a finger. Macrophotography showing a well-delimited dark brown nodule Fig. 34.2 Glomus tumor of a finger. Macrophotography of the cut surface of another tumor showing…

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Epidermoid Bone Cyst

Jan 2, 2017 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Epidermoid Bone Cyst

Fig. 50.1 (a, b) Intraosseous phalangeal epidermoid cyst. The anteroposterior and lateral radiographs showing the characteristic osteolytic lesion Fig. 50.2 Well-defined round osteolytic lesion in a most common location Fig….

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Stress Fracture

Jan 2, 2017 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Stress Fracture

Fig. 64.1 (a, b) Stress fracture in one of the most common location – proximal tibia. Anteroposterior and lateral roentgenograms showing a fracture line with exuberant new bone formation in…

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Benign Fibrous Histiocytoma of Bone

Jan 2, 2017 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Benign Fibrous Histiocytoma of Bone

The spine and long bones, especially the femur and tibia, preferably in a non-metaphyseal location, are the more common sites involved. Small long bones of the feet follow in frequency….

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Jan 2, 2017 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Mastocytosis

Fig. 71.1 (a–e) Indolent systemic mastocytosis: radiographs of the right and left knee in a middle-aged female show extensive involvement of the long bones by variable sclerosis (a). The contour…

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Jan 2, 2017 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Enchondroma

Most frequently on the small tubular bones of the hands, where it is the most common tumor. Among the long tubular bones, enchondroma occurs more frequently in the proximal humerus…

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Osteosarcoma of the Jaws

Jan 2, 2017 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Osteosarcoma of the Jaws

Fig. 12.1 Periapical and occlusal radiographs showing a mixed lesion with ill-defined borders in the alveolar ridge, with destruction of the alveolar cortical plate Fig. 12.2 Periapical and occlusal radiographs…

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