
Jun 22, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Kinesiology

Chapter 4 Kinesiology Outline Kinesiology Connective Tissue Collagen Tendons Ligaments Periosteum Fascia Joints Joint Stability Joint Capsule Pathology Cartilage Bursa Joint Degeneration Muscle Muscle Function Types Muscle Length-Tension Relationship Reflexive…

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Sport-Specific Movement

Jun 22, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Sport-Specific Movement

Chapter 6 Sport-Specific Movement Outline Basic Fundamental Movement Skills and Functional Movement Strategies Acceleration and Deceleration Gait Cycle (Walking and Running) Rotation, Throwing, and Swinging Catching and Hitting Jumping and…

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Medical Treatment for Injury

Jun 22, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Medical Treatment for Injury

Chapter 18 Medical Treatment for Injury Outline Surgery Arthroscopy Massage Application Regenerative Therapy and Joint Replacement Steroid Injections (Cortisone) Viscosupplementation Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections Pharmacology Summary Objectives After completing this…

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Pain Management

Jun 22, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Pain Management

Chapter 16 Pain Management Outline Pain What Is Pain? Peripheral Nerves Spinal Cord Brain Pain Sensation Differences in Acute and Chronic Pain Massage and Pain Management Pain Management Massage Strategies…

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Indications and Cautions

Jun 22, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Indications and Cautions

Chapter 9 Indications and Cautions Outline Indications for Massage Inflammation Pain Impingement Syndromes Psychological Dysfunctions Sleep Support Cautions for Massage Acute Local Soft Tissue Inflammation Bone and Joint Injuries Diabetes…

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Unique Circumstances and Adjunct Therapies

Jun 22, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Unique Circumstances and Adjunct Therapies

Chapter 14 Unique Circumstances and Adjunct Therapies Outline The Sleeping Client Draping, Clothing, Hair, and Environment Considerations Scheduling Habitual Behavior Hydrotherapy Essential Oils Vibration Methods Rescue Remedy Homeopathic Remedies Magnets…

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Fitness First

Jun 22, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Fitness First

Chapter 5 Fitness First Outline Being Fit Breathing Overview of Breathing Function Phases of Breathing The Physical Fitness Program Conditioning Core Strength Core Training Endurance Aerobic Exercise Training Adaptation Energy…

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Injury in General

Jun 22, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Injury in General

Chapter 15 Injury in General Outline Common Causes of Physical Activity–Related Injuries Fatigue Inappropriate Training Warm-up and Cool-down Age Postural Deviations Muscle Weakness Lifestyle Injury Prevention Trauma Five Degrees of…

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Influences of the Mind and Body

Jun 22, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Influences of the Mind and Body

Chapter 8 Influences of the Mind and Body Outline Why Sport Psychology? What Is the Zone? Injury and Sport Psychology Massage Application Stress Coping With Stress Restorative Sleep Summary Objectives…

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Nutritional Support and Banned Substances

Jun 22, 2016 by in MANUAL THERAPIST Comments Off on Nutritional Support and Banned Substances

Chapter 7 Nutritional Support and Banned Substances Outline General Dietary Recommendations Antiinflammatory Diet Sport Performance–Related Diet Weight Control Nutritional Supplements Antioxidants Supplements Often Used by Athletes Banned Substances, Including Drugs…

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