Upper limb

Jun 23, 2021 by in SPORT MEDICINE Comments Off on Upper limb

Assessing and treating upper limb structures are commonly undertaken in musculoskeletal medicine, particularly as these tend to be superficial and readily identified with ultrasound. These tend to become more amenable…

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Lower limb

Jun 23, 2021 by in SPORT MEDICINE Comments Off on Lower limb

10.1 Hip The hip represents a challenging area to scan and inject effectively. The key elements in this region are the correct identification of anatomy, suitable positioning of the patient,…

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Jun 23, 2021 by in SPORT MEDICINE Comments Off on Spine

While detailed assessments require imaging such as MRI, with many structures around the spine relatively superficial, ultrasound can be used to provide peri-radicular nerve root (NR) and facet joint (FJ)…

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