Chapter 11 – Lower limb trauma II

Sep 7, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Chapter 11 – Lower limb trauma II

Abstract Alexander Suvorov would have done well in the trauma viva section of the FRCS Tr & Orth. Two citations attributed to him underpin the approach to the exam: Train…

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Chapter 12 – Upper limb trauma I

Sep 7, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Chapter 12 – Upper limb trauma I

Abstract A 38-year-old left-hand dominant lady fell on to her right arm when out drinking and attended the accident and emergency department the next day at 4 pm as the pain…

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Chapter 13 – Upper limb trauma II

Sep 7, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Chapter 13 – Upper limb trauma II

Abstract This is a hyperextension injury in ulnar deviation: a Mayfield stage 4. Lower-energy hyperextension injuries might result in scapholunate ligament injury. In order to dislocate the lunate, this patient…

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Chapter 10 – Lower limb trauma I

Sep 7, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Chapter 10 – Lower limb trauma I

Abstract The radiograph is inadequate because it does not show the full pelvis and hips. Otherwise the radiograph shows a displaced subcapital intracapsular neck of femur fracture. I would obtain…

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Chapter 8 – Elbow

Sep 7, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Chapter 8 – Elbow

Abstract Practise viva technique in a timed manner and adapt your technique to illustrate your strengths. The following are viva examples of common clinical scenarios. The suggested reading references are…

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Chapter 3 – Hip

Sep 7, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Chapter 3 – Hip

Abstract There has been a change in emphasis in the oral questions in the last 2 years to higher-order thinking and judgement. Exam revision should be less book reading and…

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Chapter 4 – Knee

Sep 7, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Chapter 4 – Knee

Abstract Firstly, I would establish what are the symptoms the patient is suffering from. I would focus on pain, loss of function and severity of symptoms. I would like to…

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Chapter 2 – Candidate guidance

Sep 7, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Chapter 2 – Candidate guidance

Abstract The FRCS (Tr & Orth) structured oral viva is a daunting prospect because of its high-stakes nature and the uncertainty surrounding it. The aim of this chapter is to…

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