Chapter 7 – Shoulder

Sep 7, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Chapter 7 – Shoulder

Abstract A viva examination is like playing a game. The candidate should know the subject well, have a game plan and more importantly should know the opponent. A candidate who…

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Chapter 28 – Diagnostics

Sep 7, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Chapter 28 – Diagnostics

Abstract In the FRCS (Tr & Orth) structured oral exam, most candidates will have anticipated the possibility of being asked a radiology topic and would have (wisely) prepared for this….

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Chapter 18 – Children’s orthopaedics

Sep 7, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Chapter 18 – Children’s orthopaedics

Abstract In this section, we follow the exam format with a simple question around a clinical picture, X-ray or a video clip, followed by increasingly difficult questions to explore candidate…

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Chapter 22 – Orthotics and prosthetics

Sep 7, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Chapter 22 – Orthotics and prosthetics

Abstract Orthotics and prosthetics is a subject often neglected during revision, but is an important topic because various aspects may be incorporated into other topics, such as gait, hand injuries…

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Chapter 24 – Musculoskeletal oncology

Sep 7, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Chapter 24 – Musculoskeletal oncology

Abstract As in all other areas of the viva examinations, knowing basic definitions gives you an easy starting point when answering questions and gives the impression to the examiners that…

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