Chapter 6 – Spine

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Abstract Spine questions can feature at any station for viva. They are frequently asked in adult pathology, but can pop up in basic science (structure of intervertebral disc), trauma (thoracolumbar…

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Chapter 27 – Genetics and cell biology

Sep 7, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Chapter 27 – Genetics and cell biology

Abstract The average orthopaedic trainee about to sit the FRCS (Tr & Orth) exam requires a basic knowledge of genetics. This doesn’t need to be encyclopaedic, but candidates will need…

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Chapter 29 – Clinical environment

Sep 7, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Chapter 29 – Clinical environment

Abstract Sterilization is the process that destroys all forms of microbial life and is carried out in healthcare facilities by either chemical or physical methods. Disinfection, however, is a process…

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Chapter 11 – Lower limb trauma II

Sep 7, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Chapter 11 – Lower limb trauma II

Abstract Alexander Suvorov would have done well in the trauma viva section of the FRCS Tr & Orth. Two citations attributed to him underpin the approach to the exam: Train…

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Chapter 5 – Foot and ankle

Sep 7, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Chapter 5 – Foot and ankle

Abstract This diagram is a representation of the lateral aspect of the ankle showing the bony and ligamentous structures. Structure 2 is the anterior talofibular ligament, structure 3 is the…

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Chapter 12 – Upper limb trauma I

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Abstract A 38-year-old left-hand dominant lady fell on to her right arm when out drinking and attended the accident and emergency department the next day at 4 pm as the pain…

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Chapter 14 – Pelvic trauma

Sep 7, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Chapter 14 – Pelvic trauma

Abstract There are several areas of pelvis/acetabulum that candidates need to be familiar with and other areas that are within a subspecialty interest. Acetabular/pelvic radiology is usually discussed at the…

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Chapter 3 – Hip

Sep 7, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Chapter 3 – Hip

Abstract There has been a change in emphasis in the oral questions in the last 2 years to higher-order thinking and judgement. Exam revision should be less book reading and…

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Chapter 15 – Spinal trauma

Sep 7, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Chapter 15 – Spinal trauma

Abstract A 53-year-old man was involved in a road traffic accident. He was driving the car and was wearing a seat belt. This is the radiograph obtained in casualty (Figure…

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Chapter 26 – Biomechanics

Sep 7, 2020 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Chapter 26 – Biomechanics

Abstract The stress–strain curve is a triple A-list subject. It always seems to be asked in viva examinations and is a definite top 10 core basic science question. In recent…

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