Medical Acupuncture
In the decade since the publication of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) white paper on acupuncture in 1997, peer-reviewed, responsible research into the mechanism and efficacy of acupuncture has…
In the decade since the publication of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) white paper on acupuncture in 1997, peer-reviewed, responsible research into the mechanism and efficacy of acupuncture has…
Chinese scalp acupuncture is a contemporary technique combining traditional Chinese needling methods with Western medicinal knowledge of various representative areas of the cerebral cortex. Scalp acupuncture has been proved to…
After using his own version of acupuncture for several years to treat complaints ranging from migraine headache to alcohol withdrawal to cancer pain, Craig decided in the late 1970s that…
Herbs and supplements are widely used by patients in pain. Throughout this chapter, mechanisms of action and efficacy, dosing, and safety information will be provided for each herb, supplement, and…
Prolotherapy is an injection-based complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapy for chronic musculoskeletal pain. The historical roots of therapeutic intervention that may have similar underlying mechanisms of action, however, extend…
This chapter will discuss the uses of botulinum toxin for pain management in three of the myofascial pain disorders: cervical dystonia, myofascial pain syndrome and the piriformis syndrome. Although the…
Trigger point injections (TIs) are helpful treatment options in patients with acute and chronic muscle pain often associated with underlying bone or nerve pathology. This chapter will discuss the differences…
Tendons are impressively strong structures that link muscles to bone. They function to transmit the force of muscular contraction to a bone, thereby moving a joint or helping to immobilize…
Bursitis is commonly diagnosed and treated in clinical practices that focus on musculoskeletal medicine. Inflamed bursae often respond to conservative treatments including rest, cryotherapy, compression, physical/occupational therapy and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory…
Intraarticular injections with corticosteroids and anesthetic can be a useful treatment option for patients with disabling peripheral joint pain. The anesthetic injected can provide useful diagnostic information and help determine…