Manual Therapy

Apr 13, 2019 by in PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION Comments Off on Manual Therapy

Certainly many of our patients equate manual therapy exclusively with the manipulative thrust or high-velocity, low-amplitude (HVLA) maneuver practiced by clinicians in the diverse professions of physical therapy, medicine, chiropractic,…

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Apr 13, 2019 by in PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION Comments Off on Traction

Traction can be defined as separation of joint surfaces. The result of applied traction is distraction. Distraction means, “ to pull apart or to draw away”. Traction is a force…

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Electrical Stimulation

Apr 13, 2019 by in PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION Comments Off on Electrical Stimulation

Historical Perspective Long before the development of modern electricity, “natural electricity” was used for its therapeutic properties of inducing analgesia. In the earliest written description of an electric fish, Aristotle…

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Thermal Applications

Apr 13, 2019 by in PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION Comments Off on Thermal Applications

Thermal or heat modalities have been popular treatments for soft tissue dysfunction and pain management for centuries. Hot baths, infrared lamps, water bottles, moist warm towels, warm compresses, ultrasound, and…

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