Spine Injury Prevention

Jun 13, 2021 by in SPORT MEDICINE Comments Off on Spine Injury Prevention

Spinal injury and back pain are a common problem facing patients seeking medical care including athletes, which can lead to significant disability, medical costs, and impaired performance for these patients….

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Spinal Care in the Aging Athlete

Jun 13, 2021 by in SPORT MEDICINE Comments Off on Spinal Care in the Aging Athlete

Aging athletes face unique, increased adversities related to increased mobility and age-related spine issues, such as spinal stenosis, osteoporosis complicated by fragility fractures, and degenerative disk disease. This article covers…

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Axial Low Back Pain in Elite Athletes

Jun 13, 2021 by in SPORT MEDICINE Comments Off on Axial Low Back Pain in Elite Athletes

Back pain in sport is a common complaint and seen by athletes, trainers, and treating physicians. Although there are a multitude of pain generators, mechanical sources are most common. Certain…

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Lumbosacral Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis

Jun 13, 2021 by in SPORT MEDICINE Comments Off on Lumbosacral Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis

Repetitive stress on the lumbosacral spine during sporting activity places the athletic patient at risk of developing symptomatic pars defect. Clinical history, physical examination, and diagnostic imaging are important to…

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