Strategies for Improving Implant Design Based on Differences in Tibiofemoral Kinematics of a Low-Conforming Total Knee Arthroplasty Implanted With Calipered Kinematic Alignment and the Native Knee

Oct 29, 2021 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Strategies for Improving Implant Design Based on Differences in Tibiofemoral Kinematics of a Low-Conforming Total Knee Arthroplasty Implanted With Calipered Kinematic Alignment and the Native Knee

Overview This chapter reviews in vitro and in vivo differences in tibiofemoral kinematics between a low-conforming total knee arthroplasty (TKA) implanted with calipered kinematic alignment (KA) and the native knee….

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Strategies for Improving the Prosthetic Trochlea Design Based on Differences in Trochlea Morphology Between Femoral Components Set in Kinematic and Mechanical Alignment and the Native Knee

Oct 29, 2021 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Strategies for Improving the Prosthetic Trochlea Design Based on Differences in Trochlea Morphology Between Femoral Components Set in Kinematic and Mechanical Alignment and the Native Knee

Overview This chapter reviews differences between the morphology of the prosthetic trochlea for four different femoral components set in kinematic alignment (KA) and the native knee in the same femur-cartilage…

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Preoperative Evaluation of the Patient for Treatment With a Calipered Kinematically Aligned Total Knee Arthroplasty

Oct 29, 2021 by in ORTHOPEDIC Comments Off on Preoperative Evaluation of the Patient for Treatment With a Calipered Kinematically Aligned Total Knee Arthroplasty

Overview • With calipered kinematic alignment (KA) technique, preoperative management and evaluation of the arthritic knee patient does not vary vastly from the standard evaluation. However, there are some subtle…

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