Chapter 3 – Hip
Abstract There has been a change in emphasis in the oral questions in the last 2 years to higher-order thinking and judgement. Exam revision should be less book reading and…
Abstract There has been a change in emphasis in the oral questions in the last 2 years to higher-order thinking and judgement. Exam revision should be less book reading and…
Abstract Firstly, I would establish what are the symptoms the patient is suffering from. I would focus on pain, loss of function and severity of symptoms. I would like to…
Abstract The FRCS (Tr & Orth) structured oral viva is a daunting prospect because of its high-stakes nature and the uncertainty surrounding it. The aim of this chapter is to…
Abstract The structured oral (viva) examinations are the second component of Section 2 of the Intercollegiate examinations, usually occurring over a two-day period after the clinical section, but for any…
Chapter 4 Hand Yvonne C. Chow and Amanda Akin Illustrations by Yvonne Chow Background/Epidemiology Injuries to hand and digits common Estimated 5–30 percent of ED injuries1, 2 Up to 18…
Chapter 12 Arrhythmias and Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Athletes Moira Davenport Background/Epidemiology Participation in athletics and recreational exercise is increasing across all age groups and genders, with the largest increase…
Chapter 8 Foot Brenden J. Balcik , Aaron J. Monseau , and William Krantz Background / Epidemiology Patients with foot injuries commonly present to the emergency department (ED). As participation…
Chapter 2 Elbow Christopher Hogrefe , Ross Mathiasen , and Timothy W. Thomsen Background/Epidemiology The elbow is a relatively complex hinge joint that permits not only flexion and extension but…
Chapter 13 Exertional Heat Illness Brian Springer Background/Epidemiology Much like sudden cardiac death, exertional heat illness receives a great deal of public attention. High profile cases of heat-associated death have…
Chapter 1 Shoulder Christopher Guyer Background/Epidemiology Shoulder pain is a common chief complaint in the emergency department (ED). Prevalence estimates of shoulder pain vary widely across different populations.1 Limited data…