Lumbar Spine Strains and Sprains
Introduction Christopher J. Durall, PT, DPT, MS, SCS, LAT, CSCS Brian K. Allen, DO Epidemiology • Lumbar spine injuries in athletes are relatively common and most of these are thought to be…
Introduction Christopher J. Durall, PT, DPT, MS, SCS, LAT, CSCS Brian K. Allen, DO Epidemiology • Lumbar spine injuries in athletes are relatively common and most of these are thought to be…
Introduction Thomas J. Gill, MD Kaitlin M. Carroll, BS Amee L. Seitz, PT, PhD, DPT, OCS Background • Superior labral tears were originally described by Andrews et al. in 1985 as lesions that involve…
Introduction A. Lee Osterman, MD Abdo Bachoura, MD Sidney M. Jacoby, MD Terri M. Skirven, OTR/L, CHT Jason A. Suda, MOTR/L Epidemiology Age/Sex • Age: Predominantly in young, active individuals involved in contact sports •…
Introduction Nelson S. Saldua, MD Epidemiology • Cervical injuries often occur in contact sports. Approximately 1.4 million athletes play tackle football annually at the high school, collegiate, or professional levels. •…
Introduction Michael Levinson, PT, CSCS David Altchek, MD Anatomy • The elbow is a typical hinge type of joint, and has a normal motion of 0° (extension) to 145° (flexion), although the…
Introduction Jo A. Hannafin, MD, PhD Theresa A. Chiaia, PT, DPT A. Simone Maybin, BS, NSCA-CPT Epidemiology • Primary adhesive capsulitis affects 2% to 5% of the general population • Patient age, 40…
Introduction Rob Hopkins, PT, SCS Champ L. Baker, MD Epidemiology • Elbow injuries common in young throwers • 9 to 14 years old, predominantly male • Primarily occurs in baseball; can also…
Introduction Robert C. Manske, PT, DPT, MEd, ATC, SCS, CSCS Mark Stovak, MD, FAAFP, FACSM, CAQSM Epidemiology The epidemiology of forearm tendinitis is dependent upon its type. Intersection Syndrome Overuse syndrome of…
Introduction Robert C. Manske, PT, DPT, MEd, ATC, SCS, CSCS Mark Stovak, MD, FACSM, FAAFP, CAQSM Epidemiology The epidemiology of forearm nerve entrapments is dependent upon type. • Median • Carpal tunnel…
Introduction Bryan Warme, MD Scott A. Rodeo, MD Epidemiology • Multidirectional instability (MDI) of the shoulder has various definitions in the literature. Shoulder instability can be categorized into anterior, posterior, or inferior…