Nerve Entrapment Syndromes

Nerve Entrapment Syndromes

Anish R. Kadakia

Aaron A. Bare

Steven L. Haddad

Pain from nerve entrapment is often misdiagnosed and incorrectly understood. Nerve entrapment disorders of the foot and ankle require an understanding of both anatomy and clinical symptoms to lead the clinician to a correct diagnosis. The differential diagnosis should always include proximal neural lesions from the spine or conditions such as systemic disease. Isolated nerve problems may be static or functional. Functional symptoms are often seen during athletics, when increased activity causes temporary impingement. In this situation, the common workup of radiographs or other imaging studies usually does not assist in making a diagnosis. These diagnoses require dynamic activity with testing. An appreciation of nerve conduction tests as well as their applications often helps to confirm the diagnosis. For entrapment syndromes, the physical examination generally provides sufficient information to institute treatment. Treatment for these disorders is often conservative and entails relieving pressure in the affected region. Surgical management is reserved for refractory cases and requires careful preoperative planning and intraoperative execution to avoid postoperative scarring and complications. Such complications may lead to increased pain and significant patient dissatisfaction.


The interdigital neuroma was first described in 1845 as a condition involving “the plantar nerve between the third and fourth metatarsal bones.” In 1876, Morton related it to the fourth metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint and hypothesized that this represented a neuroma or possibly hypertrophy of the lateral plantar nerve. The term Morton neuroma is used now commonly to describe an interdigital neuralgia of the forefoot.



An interdigital neuroma is thought to evolve as an entrapment neuropathy of the common digital nerve. Chronic pressure on the digital nerve as it courses beneath the transverse intermetatarsal ligament results in perineural and endoneural fibrosis with frequent degeneration of the myelinated fibers as verified histologically. Seldom are the histologic changes seen proximal to the intermetatarsal ligament, which lends further support to a compressive etiology.

The anatomy of the digital nerves was previously considered to predispose a patient to a Morton neuroma in the third web space. Branches from the lateral and medial plantar nerves enter the web spaces as common digital nerves. Traditionally, it was thought that both the medial and the lateral plantar nerves send branches to the third web space creating a nerve tethered over the flexor digitorum brevis that predisposed it to increased microtrauma (Fig. 4.1). However, it has been shown that a medial communicating branch to the third web space is present in only 27% of the population. This study proposed that the middle web space etiology of interdigital neuroma may instead be related to the anatomic finding of increased narrowness of the second and third interspaces.

Metatarsal mobility may also contribute to the pathology. The medial three rays are firmly attached to the cuneiform bones and are more rigidly fixed than the lateral two metatarsal attachments to the cuboid. The third web space is imbalanced by an immobile third ray and a mobile fourth ray, which may lead to abnormal motion within the web space. However, this theory does not explain the prevalence of interdigital neuromata in the second web space.

Narrowed toe box shoes and high heels may also contribute to neuroma formation. Dorsiflexion of the MTP joints causes plantarflexion of the metatarsal heads. Theoretically, as the metatarsal heads translate plantarward, the digital nerve may become tethered beneath the transverse intermetatarsal ligament, resulting in entrapment. High-fashion shoes cause this deformity—making the tethered nerve subject to repetitive trauma through increased compression
by the metatarsal heads and stretching over the intermetatarsal ligament. Occasionally, traumatic mechanisms such as falls, penetrating injuries, or crush injuries may lead to neuroma development. Extrinsic factors may also influence neuroma formation. Ganglions or synovial cysts arising from the MTP joint may cause direct pressure on the digital nerve. Degeneration of the MTP joint capsule from inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis often causes subluxation of the MTP joint and stretches the nerve. Such distortion of the MTP joint may also compress the bursae surrounding the ligament, resulting in increased pressure on the surrounding tissues, which may cause symptoms in approximately 10% to 15% of patients with interdigital neuromata.

Figure 4.1 The source of a digital neuroma often occurs at the branch site of the plantar digital nerve.


Women have an 8 to 10 times increased prevalence of interdigital neuromas, which is believed to be secondary to constrictive, high-heeled footwear.

Radiologic Features

Most patients with a symptomatic interdigital neuroma can be diagnosed with physical examination and history, without the need for additional studies.

  • Three weight-bearing views of the foot can be performed to help rule out any pathologic process of the MTP joint.

  • Soft-tissue imaging is not routinely required to obtain the diagnosis of a neuroma. For clinical cases with a questionable diagnosis, some experts have advocated the use of ultrasonography or high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

    • Ultrasonography has demonstrated a high sensitivity with a variable specificity in the diagnosis of a neuroma. One study noted that ultrasound accurately predicted the size and location of the neuroma in 98% of 55 neuromas without a false-positive reading. However, other studies have demonstrated a 95% sensitivity, with only a 65% specificity rate.

    • The use of MRI remains controversial. Before the development of high-resolution scanners, the predictive value of MRI was low. Currently, an MRI scan may detect aberrant pathology such as a cyst or ganglion. However, its use for detection and diagnosis of an interdigital neuroma remains open to debate.

    • In general, the diagnosis is usually made without the use of ultrasound or MRI and should be considered with rare clinical presentations.

Diagnostic Workup

For a patient with a classic presentation, diagnosis of an interdigital neuroma can be made based solely on the history and physical examination. For patients with an inconclusive physical examination, further evaluation is warranted.

  • Ultrasonography can be considered.

  • Alternatively, a diagnostic injection can be performed.

    • With the needle penetrating the transverse intermetatarsal ligament, 2 mL of lidocaine is injected into the web space through a dorsal approach. The tip of the needle should abut on the plantar skin and backed off 1 to 2 mm to reliably place the medication adjacent to the nerve, and not through the nerve. The physician should not place his or her opposite hand on the plantar surface of the foot, as the patient may produce a sudden dorsiflexion movement of the ankle during injection, injuring the physician’s hand through direct penetration of the injection needle.

    • A successful injection should result in numbness in the appropriate web space and cessation of pain temporarily. This result, however, should be interpreted with caution because other pathologic processes in the region, such as MTP arthritis or bursal inflammation, can also be partially relieved with local injection owing to spillover of the medication. Injections that result in numbness without relief of pain are not consistent with a neuroma.

    • Some clinicians advocate the addition of cortisone to the injection; others avoid cortisone in younger patients with a suspected neuroma. The hypothesized effect of cortisone is reduction in the inflammation of the neuroma along with atrophy of the web space tissue to decrease compression. Detractors of cortisone injections believe that the potential for fat pad atrophy,
      degeneration or rupture of the plantar plate or collateral ligaments, outweighs the potential benefits of the injection. Such injections can lead to a claw toe or crossover toe deformity developing as a result of weakened tissues. These complications are more closely associated with repeated cortisone injections into the web space.

    • The success rates with cortisone injections have varied. Retrospective reviews have reported results that range from transient pain relief to 80% resolution of pain at 2 years of follow-up. A recent prospective study utilizing ultrasound guided injections demonstrated complete relief in 28% of patients and significant relief with minor residual pain in 44% of patients at 9 months of follow-up. The authors reported no complications with this injection technique. The use of a single cortisone injection is appropriate in the workup and management of a neuroma and has the potential to provide long-term pain relief with a low reported rate of complications. However, multiple injections can lead to fat pad atrophy and potential soft-tissue disruption and should only be used with caution.


Tarsal tunnel syndrome is caused by entrapment of the tibial nerve or one of its terminal branches (the medial or lateral plantar nerve) in the lower leg or ankle region. The flexor retinaculum lies superficial to the path of the tibial nerve, creating the roof of the tarsal tunnel; this structure originates from the posterior medial malleolus and inserts into the calcaneus. The clinical presentation varies depending on the location of entrapment within the tarsal tunnel. Specific attention to the patient’s complaints and as an understanding of the involved anatomy helps the physician localize the area of impingement.



The different causes for tarsal tunnel syndrome include the following:

  • Trauma: It is the most common identifiable cause of tarsal tunnel syndrome. Fractures of the hindfoot can reduce the space within the tarsal tunnel. In addition, traumatic synovitis of the flexor tendons decreases the available space within the tarsal tunnel.

  • Space-occupying lesions: They can create increased pressure within the tarsal tunnel, such as ganglion cysts, lipomas, neurilemomas, varicosities, accessory muscles, and proliferative synovitis.

  • Bony architecture: A talocalcaneal coalition, an enlarged or displaced os trigonum.

  • Flexor retinaculum: Covers the tarsal tunnel and may impinge on the tibial nerve.

  • Hindfoot deformity: Heel valgus with an abducted forefoot has been demonstrated to increase the tension on the tibial nerve. Heel varus with a pronated forefoot results in a shortened abductor hallucis, and this is hypothesized to increase the diameter of the muscle, therefore decreasing the available space of the distal tarsal tunnel.


Attempts have been made to categorize tarsal tunnel syndrome by location. Tarsal tunnel syndrome can be separated into proximal and distal subsets based on the location of the pathology.

  • Proximal compression results from compression proximal to the branching of the tibial nerve into the plantar nerves. Therefore, the entire tibial nerve distribution is affected below the ankle.

  • The distal syndrome results from impingement distal to a terminal nerve branch, commonly at either the medial or lateral plantar nerves.

    • Distal or plantar nerve entrapment can be divided into two separate entities—medial and lateral plantar nerve entrapments.

    • Medial plantar nerve impingement occurs at the fibromuscular tunnel formed by the abductor hallucis
      and the navicular tuberosity. Afflicted patients may suffer from pes planovalgus or they may be distance runners, leading to a predisposition for this condition. Often referred to as “jogger’s foot,” this syndrome causes a burning pain along the medial arch that radiates into the first, second, third, and part of the fourth toes.

    • Lateral plantar nerve entrapment, more common than medial plantar nerve entrapment, occurs as the nerve crosses beneath the foot. One such manifestation is entrapment of the first branch of the lateral plantar nerve, which can lead to significant heel pain. Distal to this nerve branch, the lateral plantar nerve courses obliquely in a separate tunnel across the plantar surface of the foot. The acute bend in this tunnel, along with its relatively decreased vascular supply compared with that of the medial plantar nerve, is believed to lead to its greater incidence.

Aug 28, 2016 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Nerve Entrapment Syndromes

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