Ankle and Subtalar Arthroscopy

Ankle and Subtalar Arthroscopy

Jeffrey D. Jackson

Richard D. Ferkel

Ellis K. Nam


The first arthroscopic inspection of a cadaveric knee joint was performed by Takagi in Japan in 1918. In 1939, he reported on an arthroscopic examination of an ankle joint in a human patient. With the advent of fiber-optic light transmission, video cameras, instruments for small joints, and distraction devices, arthroscopy has become an important diagnostic and therapeutic modality for disorders of the ankle. Arthroscopic examination of the ankle joint allows direct visualization and stress testing of intra-articular structures and ligaments about the ankle joint. Various arthroscopic procedures have been developed and proven to be successful and will be discussed in this chapter.



Absolute contraindications for ankle arthroscopy include localized soft-tissue or systemic infection and severe, rigid degenerative joint disease. With end-stage degenerative joint disease and joint narrowing, successful distraction may not be possible, precluding visualization of the ankle joint. Relative contraindications for ankle arthroscopy include moderate degenerative joint disease with restricted range of motion (ROM), severe edema, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, and tenuous vascular supply.

Patient Evaluation

  • Successful outcome of ankle arthroscopy depends on accurate diagnosis and preoperative planning.

  • Patient evaluation includes a thorough history, physical examination, and radiologic evaluation.

  • The chief complaint should be carefully sought, with emphasis on the duration, severity, and provocative events.

  • A careful inquiry of pain, swelling, stiffness, instability, snapping, popping, or locking should be performed.

  • A general medical history should be obtained, with special attention to rheumatologic disorders.

  • Physical examination should include inspection and palpation of localized areas of tenderness.

  • ROM as well as stability of the ankle joint should be assessed and compared with that of the uninvolved side.

  • The subtalar joint should also be tested for instability.

  • Often, a local anesthetic agent can be injected into a specific joint to aid in diagnosis.

  • Routine blood tests to check for systemic and rheumatologic conditions and infection should be performed.

  • Aspiration of the ankle joint and analysis of the joint fluid can be helpful in distinguishing inflammatory from septic conditions of the ankle joint.

  • Routine radiographs (anteroposterior [AP], lateral, and mortise view) should be obtained for all patients.

  • Stress radiographs can be obtained when instability is suspected.

  • Advanced imaging modalities such as CT or MRI are often helpful in evaluating osteochondral lesions or soft-tissue lesions about the ankle.

  • Three-phase bone scans can also aid in distinguishing soft tissue from bony pathology.



Ankle arthroscopy is usually performed either in the lateral decubitus or in the supine position. Newer techniques for prone arthroscopy will be discussed at the end of the chapter. At our institution, we prefer the supine position with a padded thigh support, as it allows “hands-free” positioning of the ankle without having to hold the extremity. In addition, this position allows the surgeon to be more readily oriented with the video monitor as well as affording easy access to the anterior and posterior portals.

Figure 13.1.2 Rotating the arthroscopic field of view enhances viewing by creating overlapping circular images with a 30° arthroscope (center). With a 0° arthroscope (top), the field of view is unchanged with rotation. With a 70° arthroscope (bottom), rotation occurs around a central blind spot. (From Ferkel RD. Instrumentation. In: Arthroscopic surgery: the foot and ankle. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1996:53.)

Figure 13.1.3 Small-joint instrumentation, including a drill guide (MicroVector), graspers, basket forceps, suction punch, elevator, curettes, and probe, can facilitate ankle arthroscopy.

  • After the tourniquet is secured on the upper thigh, the leg is placed onto a thigh support and positioned with the hip flexed 45° to 50°.

  • The thigh support is placed proximal to the popliteal fossa and is well padded to avoid injury to the sciatic nerve.

  • The patient is then rotated so the knee and ankle point directly to the ceiling.

  • The pad is removed from the end of the table to facilitate posterior ankle access.

  • The patient is prepped and draped so that good access is available posteriorly.

  • The tourniquet is inflated at the surgeon’s discretion.

  • The noninvasive distraction strap is then placed onto the foot and attached to a sterile holder.

  • If subtalar arthroscopy is being performed, the posterior strap should be placed below the tip of the fibula.

  • This foot holder is secured to the operating table over the surgical drape by a sterile clamp.

Figure 13.1.4 Patient positioning using a thigh support with a noninvasive strap attached to a distraction device.


Arthroscopic Portals

As in arthroscopy involving other joints, ankle arthroscopy mandates proper portal placement for adequate visualization. Therefore, a thorough knowledge of ankle anatomy is required to avoid potential complications. It is very important to mark out potential structures at risk before performing ankle arthroscopy.

  • Before applying the distraction strap, the dorsalis pedis artery, deep peroneal nerve, greater saphenous vein, anterior tibial tendon, peroneus tertius tendon, and superficial peroneal nerve and its branches (intermediate and medial dorsal cutaneous nerves) should be identified and outlined on the surface of the ankle using a marking pen.

  • By inverting and plantarflexing the foot, branches of the superficial peroneal nerve can be readily visualized.

  • Similarly, the joint line is identified by dorsiflexing and plantarflexing the ankle.

Anterior Portals

The anteromedial and anterolateral portals are the most commonly used anterior portals.

  • The anteromedial portal is placed first just medial to the anterior tibial tendon at the joint line.

    • Proper technique is mandatory in creating the anteromedial portal as the greater saphenous vein and saphenous nerve traverse the joint line along the anterior edge of the medial malleolus. After incising the skin, the soft tissues and joint capsule are bluntly divided.

  • The anterolateral portal is placed just lateral to the peroneus tertius tendon at or slightly proximal to the joint line.

    • A branch of the superficial peroneal nerve (the most commonly injured nerve in ankle arthroscopy) can be disrupted in creating this portal if care is not taken.

  • The anterocentral portal is established between the tendons of the extensor digitorum communis, but we do not recommend this portal because of the increased risk of damage to the deep peroneal nerve and the dorsalis pedis artery and vein, which traverse between the extensor hallucis longus and the medial border of the extensor digitorum communis (Fig. 13.1.5).

Figure 13.1.5 Anterior anatomy. Three anterior and two accessory anterior portals are used in ankle arthroscopy. (From Ferkel RD. Diagnostic arthroscopic examination. In: Arthroscopic surgery: the foot and ankle. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1996:104.)

Accessory Anterior Portals

The accessory anterior portals are used in addition to the usual anteromedial and anterolateral portals when working in the tight confines of the medial and lateral gutters for instrumentation or excision of soft tissue or bony lesions. Two accessory anterior portals are most commonly used, the anterolateral and the anteromedial (Fig. 13.1.5).

  • The accessory anteromedial portal is established 0.5 to 1 cm inferior and 1 cm anterior to the anterior border of the medial malleolus.

    • It is especially useful in facilitating the evaluation of the medial gutter and deltoid ligament, particularly for the removal of ossicles adherent to the deep portion of the deltoid ligament while visualizing from the anteromedial portal.

  • The accessory anterolateral portal is established 1 cm anterior to and at or just below the tip of the anterior
    border of the lateral malleolus, in the area of the anterior talofibular ligament.

    • When visualizing ossicles from the anterolateral portal, an instrument can be inserted through the accessory anterolateral portal to facilitate removal as well as probing of the anterior talofibular ligament, the posterior talofibular ligament, and surrounding bony architecture.

Posterior Portals

The three described posterior portals are the posterolateral, trans-Achilles, and the posteromedial portal.

  • The posterolateral portal, the most commonly used and safest portal, is located directly adjacent to the lateral edge of the Achilles tendon, in the soft spot, about 1.2 cm above the tip of the fibula; the exact level depends on the type of distraction used.

    • This portal is usually at or slightly below the joint line. Branches of the sural nerve and the lesser saphenous vein must be avoided with this portal which is why it is made adjacent to the Achilles tendon (Fig. 13.1.6).

  • The trans-Achilles portal is established at the same level as the posterolateral but through the center of the Achilles tendon.

    • In our experience, this portal does not allow easy mobility of the instruments and may lead to increased iatrogenic damage of the Achilles tendon. For these reasons, we do not recommend this portal.

  • The posteromedial portal is created just medial to the Achilles tendon at the joint line. The posterior tibial artery and the tibial nerve must be avoided, and the tendons of the flexor hallucis longus (FHL) and flexor digitorum longus must also be protected.

    • The calcaneal nerve and its branches may separate from the tibial nerve proximal to the ankle joint and traverse in an interval between the tibial nerve and the medial border of the Achilles tendon.

    • It is critical that this portal be made lateral to the FHL to avoid neurovascular injury.

    • Because of the potential for serious complications, the posteromedial portal is seldom made in the supine position, but it is routinely used with prone positioning.

Figure 13.1.6 Posterior anatomy. There are three posterior portals and one accessory posterior portal in the ankle. Usually only the posterolateral portal is used. (From Ferkel RD. Diagnostic arthroscopic examination. In: Arthroscopic surgery: the foot and ankle. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1996:106.)

Accessory Posterior Portal

  • The accessory posterolateral portal is made at the same level as or slightly higher than the posterolateral portal.

    • It is established posterior to the fibula and lateral to the FHL. This is 1 to 1.5 cm lateral to the posterolateral portal, and extreme caution must be exercised to avoid injury to the sural nerve and small saphenous vein.

    • This portal is particularly useful for the removal of posterior loose bodies when posterior visualization is necessary, and for the debridement and drilling of extremely posterior osteochondral lesions of the talus (OLT).

Portal Placement Technique

  • The anteromedial portal is created first. While palpating the anterior tibial tendon, a 22G needle is used to find the correct trajectory medial to the tendon. Sterile lactated Ringer’s solution is then infused into the ankle joint.

    • Backflow from the needle confirms entry into the ankle joint.

    • A “nick-and-spread” technique is used to establish the portal. A no. 11 scalpel is used to cut through the skin just medial to the tibialis anterior tendon in a vertical fashion. This is done with the index
      finger on the anterior tibial tendon to avoid injury to it. A mosquito clamp is then used to bluntly dissect through the subcutaneous tissue down to the capsule and puncture through it (Fig. 13.1.7).

    • A blunt trocar with attached arthroscopic cannula is placed into the ankle joint and the trocar is exchanged for the arthroscope.

    • The joint is then examined from the anteromedial portal.

    • Continued joint distension is accomplished by manually injecting fluid through the arthroscopic cannula with a 50-mL syringe.

  • Using a technique similar to that for the anteromedial portal, the anterolateral portal is established. Under direct arthroscopic vision, a 25G needle is carefully inserted into the ankle joint to locate the position of the anterolateral portal.

    • Location of the anterolateral portal varies depending on the pathology.

    • Sequential examination of intra-articular anatomy can then be performed.

  • The posterolateral portal is established under direct visualization by taking the arthroscope from the anteromedial portal and maneuvering it through the notch of Harty from anterior to posterior (Fig. 13.1.8).

    • The tip of the fibula is then palpated, and approximately 1.2 cm above it, an 18G spinal needle is inserted directly adjacent to the Achilles tendon, in line with the ankle joint and angled 45° toward the medial malleolus (Fig. 13.1.9).

    • Arthroscopically, the needle should be seen medial to the posteroinferior tibiofibular and transverse tibiofibular ligaments.

    • The cannula should be inserted with care to avoid injury to the branches of the sural nerve and the lesser saphenous vein.

    • The posterolateral portal is primarily used as an inflow portal, and may also be used for visualization or instrumentation through an interchangeable cannulae system.

Figure 13.1.7 Establishing the anteromedial portal. (A) An incision is made medial to the anterior tibial tendon while the tendon is palpated with the thumb. (B) Blunt dissection is performed with a clamp through the skin to the capsule. (From Ferkel RD. Diagnostic arthroscopic examination. In: Arthroscopic surgery: the foot and ankle. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1996:108.)

Figure 13.1.8 To establish the posterolateral portal, the arthroscope is placed in the anteromedial portal and brought through the notch of Hardy to visualize the posterior stuctures.

Figure 13.1.9 Establishing the posterolateral portal. (A) Posterior view. Inflow is placed through the AL portal and the arthroscope is inserted through the AM portal. Inset: The arthroscope is maneuvered through the notch of Harty to visualize the posterior structures. A spinal needle is then inserted to determine the appropriate direction for the posterolateral portal. (B) Arthroscopic view from the anteromedial portal, demonstrating the spinal needle penetrating the joint capsule medial to the transverse tibiofibular ligament. (C) After the spinal needle determines the appropriate direction, an interchangeable cannula is inserted through the posterolateral portal under direct vision, medial to the transverse tibiofibular ligament. AL, anterolateral; AM, anteromedial. (From Ferkel RD. Diagnostic arthroscopic examination. In: Arthroscopic surgery: the foot and ankle. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1996:109.)

Arthroscopic Examination

The normal intra-articular anatomic structures of the ankle have been well described.

  • A 21-point arthroscopic examination of the ankle is recommended to ensure a systematic evaluation of the ankle.

  • The eight-point anterior examination includes the deltoid ligament, medial gutter, medial talus, central talus, lateral talus, talofibular articulation, lateral gutter, and anterior gutter (Fig. 13.1.10).

  • The six-point central examination includes the medial, central, and lateral portions of the tibiotalar articulation. By maneuvering the arthroscope from the anteromedial portal to view the posterior structures, three additional points can be seen, including the posteroinferior tibiofibular ligament, transverse tibiofibular ligament, and capsular reflection of the flexor hallucis tendon (Fig. 13.1.11).

  • The seven-point posterior examination includes the medial gutter and deltoid ligament, posteromedial talar dome and tibial plafond, central talus, lateral talus,

    talofibular posterior articulation, lateral gutter, and posterior gutter (Fig. 13.1.12).

  • In general, the anteromedial, anterolateral, and posterolateral portals provide excellent visualization of the entire joint.

  • With the three-portal system, adequate inflow can be maintained with gravity drainage so that there is no need for an arthroscopic pump.

Figure 13.1.10 Eight-point anterior examination viewed from the anteromedial portal. The anterior ankle is examined starting at the tip of the medial malleolus and making a circle within the ankle joint. (From Ferkel RD. Diagnostic arthroscopic examination. In: Arthroscopic surgery: the foot and ankle. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1996:110.)

Figure 13.1.11 Six-point central examination, viewed from the anteromedial portal. It is performed by maneuvering the arthroscope into the center of the ankle and examining the tibiotalar articulation. The arthroscope is then placed more posteriorly to examine the posterior capsular structures. (From Ferkel RD. Diagnostic arthroscopic examination. In: Arthroscopic surgery: the foot and ankle. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1996:112.)

Figure 13.1.12 Seven-point posterior examination viewed from the posterolateral portal. The examination is initiated along the posteromedial malleolar—talar articulation and is carried clockwise to end in the posterior recess. (From Ferkel RD. Diagnostic arthroscopic examination. In: Arthroscopic surgery: the foot and ankle. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1996:114.)


The presence of loose bodies is an indicator of an underlying pathologic disorder involving the synovium, cartilage, or underlying bone. Thus, to effectively treat this entity, the underlying pathology must be addressed as well.


Loose bodies may be either chondral or osteochondral and may arise from defects in the talus or tibia, osteophytes, or degenerative joint disease. They may result from major trauma to the ankle joint or from a relatively innocuous injury such as a lateral ligament sprain. Multiple loose cartilaginous or osteocartilaginous bodies may also form in synovial chondromatosis. This disorder is more common in larger joints, but it may also occur in the ankle. In this disorder, metaplastic mesenchymal cells in the joint capsule develop into chondroblasts, which produce small clusters of cartilage. These nodules of cartilage can protrude into the joint and break off to form small loose bodies. As the cartilage mass grows, the central portion may become necrotic and calcify. The loose bodies then become visible on routine radiographs (Fig. 13.1.13).




Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries in sports. One inversion ankle sprain occurs per 10,000 persons per day. In a study at West Point, 30% of cadets suffered an ankle sprain in their 4 years at the school. Furthermore, it has been estimated that 10% to 50% of patients will have some degree of chronic ankle. The differential diagnosis of chronic pain after an ankle sprain include the following:

  • OLT

  • Calcific ossicles at the medial or lateral malleolus

  • Peroneal tendon tears or subluxation

  • Tarsal coalition

  • Degenerative joint disease

  • Nerve entrapment

  • Occult fractures of the talus or calcaneus

  • Subtalar dysfunction

  • Reflex sympathetic dystrophy/complex regional pain syndrome

  • Soft-tissue impingement

The primary cause of chronic pain after an ankle sprain is soft-tissue impingement. This can occur along the syndesmosis, medial and/or lateral gutters, the syndesmotic interval between the tibia and the fibula, or posteriorly in the syndesmosis and posterior gutter.


The arthroscopic surgeon must understand certain points to diagnose and treat these problems correctly. Our discussion will focus on rheumatoid arthritis (RA), pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS), synovial chondromatosis, and hemophilia.


RA is a chronic systemic inflammatory condition characterized by the method in which it affects joints. Although the etiology is unknown and various causes have been postulated, including a cell-mediated immune response (T cell), no consensus exists as to its exact cause.

PVNS is thought by some to be a benign neoplasm involving the synovium. It occurs most commonly in the knee, but it can involve the ankle. Both generalized and localized forms occur. The localized solitary lesion is more common in the ankle than the former type.

Synovial chondromatosis is seldom seen in the ankle and is almost always monoarticular. This entity involves multiple foci of cartilage metaplasia within the synovium. As these masses grow, they form nodules within the synovial tissue and then become excrescences. These nodules can calcify or ossify.

Hemophilia is a bleeding disorder caused by a factor VIII deficiency (hemophilia A) or factor IX deficiency (hemophilia B). This disorder, which commonly affects the ankle, manifests in repeated hemarthroses owing to minor trauma, which in turn leads into eventual cartilage destruction and joint deformity.


OLT include many pathologic entities, such as osteochondritis dissecans, chondral and osteochondral loose bodies, osteophytes, chondral and osteochondral fractures of the tibia and talus, cystic lesions of the talus, fracture defects,
and arthritis. Controversy persists regarding the etiology, treatment, and prognosis of osteochondral and chondral lesions of the ankle.

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