Chapter 41 Appropriate technologies for assistive devices in low-income countries
Assistive technology
These are the first sentences of the United Nations (UN) Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities, which were adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1993.7 Disabilities may affect all of us if we live long enough, no matter where we live. We all may need some assistive devices, depending on different life situations. There will always be a need for professionals for the production and provision of assistive technology all over the world, especially in low-income countries that do not have the means and resources to import expensive assistive technology for its population in need.
According to Rule 4 on support services and assistive technology of the UN Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities: “States should ensure that development and supply of support services, including assistive devices for persons with disabilities, to assist them to increase their level of independence in their daily living and to exercise their rights.”7 The rule does not say how this should be done, but the rule clearly indicates it is the responsibility of each government. Even though many national and international nongovernmental organizations perform much of this work, it is essential to remember the responsibility and coordination of the national government.
The human rights issue for people with disabilities has been discussed more during recent years. As a result of the UN’s work on the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the convention was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2006.8 It stresses the importance of assistive technology, including assistive devices, for people with disabilities as well as information and communication technologies, giving priority to technologies available at an affordable cost.
Access to devices is important for people with all types of disabilities. The ultimate aim of services in society should be to ensure that every person in need has access to assistive technology in order to have a better quality of life. For many persons with disabilities, assistive technology is a prerequisite for participation in the community. It is a tool in a process leading to equalization, participation, and independence, enabling individuals to participate in education and/or work, move between different places, dress and eat by themselves, communicate with other people, express their own thoughts and wishes, and otherwise enjoy life.15
Appropriate technology
The International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO) held a Consensus Conference on Appropriate Prosthetic Technology for Developing Countries in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, in 1995 and later declared the following at a meeting in Wuhan, China, in 19964:
The UN Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities also states in Rule 4 on support services that “States should recognize that all persons with disabilities who need assistive devices should have access to them as appropriate, including financial accessibility. This may mean that assistive devices and equipment should be provided free of charge or at such a low price that persons with disabilities or their families can afford to buy them.”7
Low-income countries
Approximately 600 million people worldwide experience some form of disability. Eighty percent live in low-income countries; most of them are poor and do not have access to basic health services, including rehabilitation facilities.11 The number of people with disabilities is increasing. War injuries, land mines, HIV/AIDS, malnutrition, chronic diseases, substance abuse, accidents, environmental damage, population growth, and medical advances that preserve and prolong life all have contributed to this increase. These trends are creating a great demand for rehabilitation services, including assistive technology, and improved accessibility in society.
In low-income countries, only 2% to 5% of the population in need can access the necessary rehabilitation services. One of the most neglected areas in rehabilitation is access to, and provision of, assistive devices to disabled and elderly people. In many low-income countries, assistive devices are accessible only through private services, which are inaccessible to the majority of people with disabilities because of high costs. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that only 5% to 15% of persons needing assistive devices have access to them.11
Elderly people face the risk of being affected by different age-related diseases. They will need assistive devices for dementia; impaired mobility, vision, or hearing; or general frailness. Elderly people often have several impairments at the same time, which make both the life situation and the care more difficult. Combinations of problems with mobility, sight, hearing, and cognition, that is, learning and understanding, result in more people with multiple disabilities. Elderly persons need more time to learn how to use assistive devices and learn how to take care of themselves in a new way.