Sexuality and Disability

Sexuality and Disability

Stacy Elliott

Andrei Krassioukov


Sexuality is an integral part of being human and is a vehicle to demonstrate attraction, intimacy, and commitment. Because of this, sexuality persists beyond reproductive years and/or good health. Persons with disabilities often feel that since significant changes to their sexuality are not life threatening, sexual concerns do not merit attention by health care professionals. Nothing can be further from the truth. Sexuality is highly important and medically legitimate and greatly affects quality of life. When surveyed about what “gain of function” was most important to their quality of life, men and women with spinal cord injury (SCI) stated that sexuality was a major priority even above the return of sensation, ability to walk, and normal bladder and bowel function (1), that SCI altered their sexual sense of self, and that improving their sexual function would improve their quality of life (2, 3).

In this chapter, we focus on sexuality in those persons with physical disability versus mental, cognitive, or developmental disabilities. When a condition becomes chronic or gradually debilitating, expectations of recovery must give way to pursuit of adaptation (4). “Sexual rehabilitation” not only implies salvaging and restoring remaining function but also implies remaking and readjusting. Only in the arena of sexuality can rehabilitation go beyond the local affected area. Loss of physical, sensory and motor options forces an appreciation of the power of “brain or cerebral sex” and the development of evolved sexual experience through the process of “neuroplasticity.” This is best explained by the analogy of how, despite the “hardware” being altered by disability, the “software” can still be intact and adaptable (5). Research is just starting to address the potential of “sensory substitution” in persons with disability (6). In the medical treatment of sexuality after disability, the mind-body interaction cannot be forgotten by the clinician or the therapeutic value of this potential is lost.


Models of Sexual Function

In 1966, Masters and Johnson (M&J) proposed a physiological model of sexual response after studying over 600 able-bodied men and women in a laboratory setting where details of genital, breast, skin, muscle, and cardiovascular functions were observed (7). Since the M&J model, many more models have been proposed embracing the biopsychosocial approach to sexuality, especially for women (8). A recent, clinically applicable model of human sexual response useful for both sexes (4) is well suited to the complexity of the disability population, who may not be neurologically intact. However, the M&J model is still helpful in understanding the neurophysiology of sex and in defining the sexual dysfunctions.

The M&J model describes a four-phase “sexual mountain” of rising and declining sexual arousal: (a) excitement, (b) plateau (high arousal before orgasm), (c) orgasm, and (d) resolution (the reversal and/or dissipation of phase 1). Pelvic vasocongestion and neuromuscular tension results in tumescence and/or erection of the erectile tissues in both men and women and, additionally in women, vaginal lubrication and accommodation (lengthening and uterine lifting). Cardiovascular and respiration parameters increase, and sweating appears. During the “preorgasmic” phase, men have maximal erection and rigidity and approach ejaculatory inevitability, and in women, the outer third of the vagina forms a thickening called the “orgasmic platform.” Orgasm is a pleasant experience recognized in the genital area, brain, or total body and is accompanied by involuntary rhythmic contractions of the pelvic floor muscles in both men and women as well as smooth muscle contractions of internal accessory sexual organ and structures. The orgasmic phase has the maximal heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP), and respiratory rate in neurologically intact persons. Ejaculation, the process of forward (antegrade) seminal fluid expulsion through the urethra, is usually concomitant with orgasm in men but can be separated in neurological conditions. The final resolution phase is characterized by gradual reversal of the tumescence, pelvic vasocongestion, neuromuscular tension, and cardiovascular parameters noted above. Men, but not women, have a physiological refractory period (7), and women have the capacity to have extended, repeated (multiple), or compounded orgasms. However, some men also report the capacity for multiple orgasm (9).

Definitions of Sexual Dysfunctions

Male and female sexual dysfunctions are multifactorial, involving physiological, psychological, social, and emotional components. Sexual desire or libido is especially complex and under central neurophysiologic control. Kaplan (10) defines it as “the experience of specific sensations that motivate the individual to initiate or become responsive to sexual stimulation.” If a person with disability experiences a change in drive, it is most
often a reduction, known as hypoactive sexual desire disorder. In rarer cases, sexual drive may be increased due to brain stimulation from injury (i.e., hypersexuality of the Kluver-Bucy syndrome) or medications (replacement of the sex excitatory neurotransmitter dopamine [DA] in a patient with Parkinson’s disease). Three other disorders of sexual dysfunction are clinically identified using the M&J model: arousal disorders (disorders of male penile erection [or erectile dysfunction, ED] and female subjective and objective arousal disorders), ejaculatory dysfunction, and orgasmic disorders. Problems within these phases in both sexes can include fertility issues and pain specific to sexual activities (dyspareunia). A full definition of sexual dysfunctions can be found elsewhere (11).


Both somatic and autonomic nerves provide important sexual afferent and efferent communication between the brain and periphery. Autonomic nerves are activated by stretch or lack of oxygen, rather than by touch or temperature (12). In the somatic system, tactile inputs include light touch, temperature, pressure, vibration, and pain. It appears that both somatic and autonomic nerves appear critical to recognize stimuli as “sexual” (12). The cerebral evaluation of skin and visceral stimulation; of visual, gustatory, and auditory inputs; and of fantasy and emotion forms either a sexually excitatory or inhibitory signal. This generated neuronal “trigger,” coordinated in the limbic system, hypothalamus, and other midbrain structures, is carried distally through the brainstem and spinal tracts and can be modulated by mood, hormones, emotions, and physical factors (4). In everyday life, this signal is usually inhibitory, until engagement of sexual activity is deemed appropriate and excitatory signals dominate, instigating the triggering of spinal cord reflexes for sexual function. Performance anxiety, distraction, and fear of negative consequences of being sexual (i.e., ED) can cause the supratentorial inhibition on the spinal cord reflexes to remain. In chronic disease or neurological conditions, signals may be directly disrupted by nerve injury or nerve degeneration, the physiology of an end organ and its ability to respond to the stimulus can be altered, or pain or other limitations can cause distraction away from the sexual focus, rendering sexual response unreliable.

Once the descending signal has passed down the spinal cord, the pelvic sexual organs receive their information from the spinal cord via three nerve pathways: (a) sacral parasympathetic (pelvic nerves and pelvic plexus), (b) thoracolumbar sympathetic (hypogastric nerves and lumbar sympathetic chain), and (c) somatic (bilateral pudendal nerves) (13). More attention is being paid to try and preserve these nerve tracts in pelvic surgery to reduce the amount of resulting sexual dysfunction (14, 15). Sexual arousal leads to genital erectile tissue engorgement and pelvic vasocongestion via vasodilatation of arteries and smooth muscle relaxation. In women, lubrication depends on both intact innervation and normal estrogen levels (16), and in men, internal accessory organ function (including the production of semen) and erection are dependent on adequate testosterone levels.

There are two neurological pathways for genital arousal: reflexogenic and psychogenic. While psychogenic and reflexogenic pathways can act independently, they usually act synergistically to determine the genital response via a final common pathway involving a sacral parasympathetic route (13). The reflexogenic pathway, triggered by direct stimulation of the genital organs, has an afferent component conveyed by the pudendal nerve to the S2-4 segments of the spinal cord (17). The responding efferent component returns through the sacral parasympathetic center, contributing fibers to the pelvic nerve and onto the cavernosal nerves at the genitalia. The psychogenic pathway is of supraspinal origin (auditory, imaginative, visual, etc.) involving the medial preoptic nucleus (MPOA), paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, and reticular activating systems (the latter involved with nocturnal arousal during REM sleep) (14). The long efferent tracts from the central nervous system between cortex, cord, and autonomic nervous system must be intact to elicit the thoracolumbar sympathetic center and the sacral parasympathetic center (17). Complete spinal cord injury (SCI) above the level of the psychogenic pathway eliminates the connection to it and the natural supratentorial inhibitory control, enhancing the reflexogenic mechanism initiated by touch (14). SCI involving the lumbosacral region results in loss of reflexogenic but not psychogenic capacity, since the pathway from the brain to the thoracolumbar center is still intact. The sympathetic nervous system can maintain genital arousal capacity after injury to parasympathetic pathways (13), and has a role in the development of psychogenic arousal (18). Both men and women undergo measurable genital arousal during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep (16, 19). In men, the presence of REM sleep (morning) erections is a sign that daytime erection problems are more likely psychogenic in nature. An exception is in multiple sclerosis (MS), where, despite organic disturbance with daytime, erotic erections, nocturnal erections can be frustratingly preserved (20).

At the genital level, cavernosal smooth muscle relaxation results in vasocongestion, tumescence, and elongation of the erectile tissue in both men and women. The tunica albuginea, a fibroelastic stocking surrounding the corpora cavernosa, becomes stretched with tumescence, tightening its elastic fibers and kinking the emissary veins that pierce it. This occludes the venous blood outflow while high pressure arterial inflow continues. In men, this veno-occlusive mechanism, along with bulbocavernosus (BC) muscle contraction, results in a rigid erection and ischiocavernosus (IC) muscle contraction helps propel ejaculated semen (14, 21). In women, the veno-occlusive mechanism is less prominent due to a less effectual tunica (16). Vaginal lubrication (a plasma transudate from the blood circulating through the vessels of the vaginal epithelium), lengthening of the vagina, and uterine, urethral, labial, and pelvic ligament vasocongestion occurs with female arousal (15). Passive dilation of the vagina results in a reflex contraction of both the BC and IC, indirectly affecting the clitoris and sensory perception of the clitoris (22). Spasm of either the BC or IC muscles, or injury to their pudendal innervation can
effect subjective sexual arousal and orgasm. Priapism can occur in both sexes, and a persistent arousal syndrome, potentially of organic origin, has been newly recognized in women (23, 24).

While arousal is predominately parasympathetic, ejaculation is primarily a sympathetic phenomenon. Preganglionic sympathetic fibers leave the spinal cord from the first and second lumbar segments, synapsing and eventually distributing to the vas deferens, seminal vesicles, and the prostate through the hypogastric nerves, stimulating smooth muscle contractions (12). Ejaculation occurs in two phases: seminal emission (sympathetic T10-L2) and propulsatile ejaculation or expulsion (parasympathetic S2-4 and somatic). Seminal emission involves transport of semen into the prostatic urethra via the ejaculatory ducts in the prostate. The sympathetic hypogastric nerve (L1, L2) activity closes the bladder neck to prevent retrograde ejaculation. A sense of impending “ejaculatory inevitability” proceeds propulsatile ejaculation and the seminal bolus is then propelled distally out the urethral meatus (14). Orgasm usually occurs with ejaculation, but they are not synonymous and are separate neurological entities.

Orgasm appears to be relayed through both the somatic and autonomic systems (23), but neurologically, orgasm is the least understood of the sexual phases. It is a complicated combination of local spinal cord reflexes and cerebral and autonomic influences, any of which could potentially dominate in any one orgasmic experience or be adequate within themselves. “Orgasm” after disability may include orgasmic attainment without genital stimulation (i.e. “eargasms” after SCI, orgasm arising from breast stimulation alone, etc). For example, about half of men and women with complete SCI can still experience orgasm, and a few neurophysiological theories have been proposed for this phenomenon (25). Strength of the pelvic floor contractions (somatic), the degree of engorgement of the internal genitalia (autonomic), subjective awareness of internal genitalia contractions (i.e., uterine), duration and degree of brain arousal, and interpretations of cardiovascular alterations with sexual activity are all factors in the subjective intensity of orgasmic release. While estrogen does not seem to influence the orgasmic potential in women, low androgen levels make orgasm more difficult to reach in both men and women (26). Oxytocin levels may rise during arousal and orgasm, and prolactin levels remain elevated after orgasm (23), but the significance of this is not known.


Disability can affect sexual function through four basic mechanisms (4):

  • Direct effects of vascular, neurological (including pain), hormonal, anatomical, or other damage to any area functionally connected to the sex response

  • Indirect effects of the medical/psychological condition, such as changes to perception or judgment, sensory or motor alterations, bladder and bowel incontinence, spasticity, tremor, fatigue, anxiety, chronic pain, etc.

  • Iatrogenic effects of treatment (e.g., radiation, surgery, medication, and chemotherapy)

  • Contextual factors, that is, the biopsychosocial complexity and the situational components.

Contextual factors are especially critical in long-term care, where issues such as freedom of sexual expression, choice making capacity, right to privacy, and caretaker issues and responsibilities must be addressed (27).


It is well known that many drugs interfere with sexual functioning. The central neurotransmitters involved in the descending signal through the thalamospinal tracts are the excitatory neurotransmitters DA and noradrenaline (NA), whereas serotonin is generally inhibitory (4). Drugs that reduce NA, such as sympatholytic antihypertensives, negatively affect sexual function. DA blockers (e.g., antipsychotics) will impair libido, whereas the replenishment of DA agonists (e.g., levodopa in a patient with Parkinsonism) can elevate libido. Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), a class of antidepressants that cause increased levels of serotonin in the neural junction, are sexually adverse, as seen with the common side effects of reduced libido, as well as, ejaculatory and orgasmic delay (28), the latter effect which is used to treat premature ejaculation. Of the tricyclic antidepressants, amitriptyline, clomipramine, and doxepin appear to have the most negative impact on sexual function, especially orgasm and ejaculation (29). Reducing doses, short drug holidays, or switching to a “sex-friendly antidepressant” such as buproprion, nefazodone, trazodone, or mirtazapine are alternatives (30), but trazodone has been known to cause prolonged nocturnal erection and priapism (31). In the periphery, since genital arousal is primarily under parasympathetic control, sympathomimetic drugs cause vascular and smooth muscle constriction, inhibiting genital arousal. Drugs that antagonize cholinergic effects, such as tricyclic and SSRI antidepressants, phenothiazines, and butyrophenones, or those that decrease peripheral vascular resistance and genital blood flow, such as antihypertensives, can cause libido, erection and vaginal lubrication problems, and ejaculation issues (29, 32) (Table 16-1). The use of phosphodiesterase V inhibitors (PDE5i’s) can often ameliorate the altered genital arousal side effects of such drugs as SSRIs and thiazide diuretics. PDE5i’s work less well in low testosterone milieus (32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40).


Age brings changes to elasticity of tissues, narrowing of vasculature, and decreased neural transmission, resulting in changes to the integrity and capacity of the sexual organs. Postmenopausal women experience less vaginal lubrication and decreased muscle spasm at orgasm. Men may take two to three times as long to achieve an erection, the erection will not be as rigid, and if the erection is lost with ejaculation, it may take even longer to regain it (7). Orgasm may be delayed and ejaculatory fluid volume
is reduced with age, likely due to reduced testosterone levels. Once ejaculation or orgasm occurs, penile detumescence and other genital changes occur rapidly and the refractory period is long (even days) in the elderly. Even with cross-cultural factors and medication issues taken into account, the prevalence of most sexual problems tends to increase with age; however, older age, net of other factors, consistently increases the likelihood of more sexual problems among men, but less so for women (the exception is poor lubrication, which is a significant issue for women as they age) (41). In women, sexual pain disorders appear to decline with age (42). Self-esteem may suffer with aging skin changes, weight gain, aches and pains, graying or loss of hair, fatigue, and declining athletic ability. Depression, a factor that blunts almost all aspects of sexual functioning, is far more common in the elderly. Dealing with a disability may lower expectations of both aging partners, but a previous healthy sexual relationship and open communication skills bode well for maintaining sexual intimacy despite health issues (4).

TABLE 16.1 Rehabilitation Medications Affecting Sexual Functioning


Cause of Sexual Effect (28,29,32-40 [more] [more] [more] [more] [more] [more] [more] [more] [more] [more])



Central sympatholytic/peripheral α-blocker

AD, ↓SD, EjD


Sex suppressant, especially orgasm

EjD, ↓SD, AD




Opiates, marijuana, antipsychotics

↓Testosterone levels and/or ↑prolactin levels: with chronic use, sex suppressant

↓SD, AD, EjD


May suppress sexual reflexes



Associated with ED


Causing fertility problems


Causing variable effects


↓Testosterone and LH and ↑estrogen



Antiandrogen types affect arousal and can cause reversible spermatogenic suppression


↓SD, decreased sex drive; AD, arousal dysfunction; EjD, ejaculatory or orgasmic dysfunction.

Impending Mortality

Variable effects on sexuality can be expected with impending death. Some persons lose interest and focus on survival, and others embrace sexuality as a quality of life/intimacy issue that represents the positive aspects of living. Partnership support is obviously critical in this outlook. End stage disabilities and cancer share several assaults on sexuality, including medication effects, fatigue, change of body image with any disfiguring surgery or amputation, altered hormonal status, catheters, stomas, secondary paralysis, and relationship and psychological stress. Often sexual effects of life saving/prolonging procedures and surgery are inadequately discussed before and/or after the procedures, leading to sexual distress.

Neurological Changes

The advent of noninvasive brain imaging techniques such as PET and fMRI have demonstrated areas in the brain associated with imagery, visual sexual stimulation, arousal, and orgasm in both sexes (23, 26, 43). Injuries to these specific brain areas, and to the spinal cord and peripheral nerves innervating and sending sensory information to the cognitive centers, will profoundly affect sexual functioning. Furthermore, the sequela of having a neurological disability that can affect cognitive, motor, sensory, and autonomic functions will have multiple effects on sexuality. Most acquired neurological damage must undergo 2 to 4 years of recovery before the remaining neurological sexual function is known.

Psychological Factors

Adjusting to disability is a highly unique matter, related to the severity of losses caused by the disability (not just physical, but emotional, relational, and financial), whether depression occurs and/or persists, the presence and strength of support systems, and premorbid personality factors and coping skills. For some persons, sexuality is a highly integral part of their self-esteem and/or self-image, and the disruption occurring with disability can be devastating. Whether the disability occurred acutely or slowly over time can also affect sexual adjustment, since readiness to approach the issue again has to be balanced with other life priorities such as physical recovery or financial losses. Age and sexual experience are critical factors. Willingness to reenter the sexual arena with past or new partners and openness to experiment with a changed body and/or utilize assistive aids takes a certain mindset and readiness. Anxiety can also play a part, resulting in arousal problems or premature ejaculation, and can also decrease interest or orgasmic attainment. Disability and chronic illness can affect both persons of the couple often with reversal of traditional masculine and feminine roles, loss of economic security, caretaking issues that depress sexual attraction, fatigue on the part of both persons, and forced alteration of life goals that may no longer make the couple compatible (40).

Cardiovascular Factors and Risks

Several studies address the cardiovascular response to sexual activity and the possible risk of an acute cardiac event.
An average peak HR of 110 to 130 bpm and peak systolic BP of 150 to 170 mm Hg was observed during the sexual activities of couples with longstanding relationships (44, 45). Generally, the energy requirements during sexual activity do not exceed 4 to 5 METs (46). Furthermore, it was established that walking on a treadmill at 3 miles/hour at a 5% grade or climbing two flights of stairs at a rate of 20 steps in 10 seconds would require equivalent amounts of energy as sexual intercourse (44). This information on the two-flight test, which is equivalent to 6 METs, has been widely used to determine the risk of ischemia and/or safe return to sexual activity after cardiac events. However, even with no underlying cardiac muscle or blood vessel pathology, disordered autonomic control of the heart and/or blood vessels can result in significant alteration of cardiovascular responses during sexual activities. This is especially prominent in individuals with SCI (47), where abnormal autonomic control could result in the onset of autonomic dysreflexia (AD) during sexual activities (especially with ejaculation) and/or continuation of AD after activities (48) (Fig. 16-1). AD is a condition characterized by episodic hypertension, often associated with cardiac arrhythmias (49). Hypertensive crises during the episodes of AD can result in cardiac arrest, retinal or subarachnoid hemorrhages, cerebral vascular accidents, and death (50). AD symptoms with sexual activity often attenuate with time, but BP elevations can remain deceivingly high.

FIGURE 16-1. BP and ECG recordings in individuals with C6 ASIA A SCI during VS procedure for sperm retrieval. Prior to VS (Rest, recording 1), there is relative hypotension (69/49 mm Hg) with regular HR of 82 bpm. With initiation of VS, arterial BP gradually increased to 148/105 mm Hg and the patient developed bradycardia (recording 2, HR 60 bpm) suggestive of typical episode of AD. Finally, at the time of ejaculation (recording 3) arterial BP surged to 240/130 mm Hg accompanied with a short period of cardiac arrhythmia. Interesting to mention is that in this case the patient did deny any symptoms typical for AD such as headache, blurred vision, sweating, and piloerection (personal observations).

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